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  1. Hi, I'm bumping the thread because the illness has returned. I finished her epsom salt treatments on February 5th, she seemed to be recovering up until yesterday morning where she began to bottom sit again inexplicably, although she does not pivot upward and breathe rapidly anymore which is good. The bottom sitting has continued all the way into this morning. Should I restart the epsom salt bath treatments or try something else?
  2. Thank you. This seems to be working after the first treatment. My fish is swimming around again albeit still with some mild breathing issues. Is it possible to space out the treatments as being every other day for recovery or is it necessary to do it daily? Netting them for the bath seems to be extremely stressful for them.
  3. 40 gallon tank parameters: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate, ph 7.6 Hi, one out of two of my goldfish has been bottom sitting for well over a month with periodical rapid breathing, pivoting upward before resettling back onto the substrate. I've been unable to find any external signs of illness and it will still eat provided I place food in front of it. Thinking it was flukes, I tried Prazipro which was ineffective, then onto a Kanaplex food treatment thinking it was a bacterial infection (I did not use Focus because I wasn't aware you needed it for binding) which also gave no signs of relief. This behavior has been consistent throughout the duration of the illness and has remained the same with no signs of worsening or bettering. I'm extremely lost as to what this is and I would appreciate any help in diagnosing it. Thanks
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