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  1. I have emailed the local fish store to see if there's a best solution for my tank as well as the fish. Hopefully we can work something out and I do appreciate everything you all have helped with... If it's not painfully obvious by now I'm new 😁
  2. Right now just a 10 gallon with some micro fish, what size tank would you recommend? I've considered upgrading to a 30 gallon but just got this one up and running
  3. I have these pictures from my phone. Hopefully they help @mynameisnobody @Lennie Edit: The 2nd picture isn't the best for details but you can see that white striped pattern on his tail. I don't see it a lot while looking at other pleco online but it does pop up exactly when I google "royal pleco" so I only assumed
  4. I have had it for 5 days and put a few french style green beans each night before bed but when I wake up them seem undisturbed. I have ordered better food from the website but it will not be in until this Thursday. What would you recommend trying next? thanks for everything! I really appreciate it. Maybe I am mistaken on the exact breed if that's the case. The lady at the fish store showed me the big ones and then pointed me to the smaller ones after
  5. Originally I had purchased some plants that hatched a snail - he was doing great. However after I purchased some rasboras and a royal pleco from my LFS to fill my 10 gallon tank the pleco seems to be bullying my snail and may have tried to eat him. Are they just having some territorial beef or should I remove my little mystery snail before it's too late? I only have one tank so if I was to remove him what would be the best option?
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