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  1. @Lennie thank you. Finally I was able to get Chem Vital Rid Planaria. Amazing product. Single application. No visible planaria and hydra after 4 days. No shrimp or snails affected adversely. Amazing, amazing😁😍
  2. @Lennie any updates? Btw, do you know any sellers who will ship internationally? None of the sellers that listed this product responded to my emails🤔
  3. Thank you to detailed review @Lennie. If he applied it with these species and did not observe any side effects then it is a great product. Btw it looks like Chem Vital is a Czech Company. https://cz.linkedin.com/in/chem-vital-06989b298
  4. I remembered that one of my colleagues applied double dose no planaria to wipe out of the MTS. @Lennie If this product is 100% safe for snails, I would like to try it. Where can I get this stuff?
  5. No Planaria is ok with ramshorns but very nasty stuff with Tylomelania, Nerite, Theodoxus etc.
  6. Hello, this is exactly what i need. However are you sure 100% it is safe for snails? It seems quite impossible to me? Any user review?
  7. Thank you :) Thank you. My next tank will be Saffron Shiner habitat. They are just gorgeous.
  8. I have kept Notropis chrosomus for a long time and succeed breeding. Btw I am a new member, it is my first post and hello to all 🙂
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