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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I am on day 18 and ph just dropped down to 6.7 or possibly less!!!! How do I fix this??!?! Doing a fishless cycle and currently ammonia and nitrite are .50 and 2 ppm. Nitrates are going up cycle may be done soon but what do I do?!
  2. My temp is at 78 degrees and I have a bad heater which I am about to replace. The new heater is a tetra 50 watt 2-10 gal heater that I just ordered from Amazon which should come soon. Today is the first fasting day and I will feed daphnia in a couple of days
  3. I use the lid that comes with the topfinn starter all in one kit. There is no gaps except a small on by the filter Yes. Believe it or not I don’t want any baby shrimps because I have no live plants….
  4. I agree too! Either one I will see! My 10 gal is taking SOOOOO long to cycle and have to be patient 😔 sadly
  5. The tank is a 5 gallon non planted aquarium with artificial plants and a cave hide. He is acting fine but I think he has clamped fins…his paremeters are ph, 7.4 ppm ammonia 0 ppm,nitrite 0 ppm and nitrates are 2 ppm. His tank is very clean and the tank has been set up for about since February. He has a topfinn silentstream filter. He had fin tear or something a while ago but I think he is fine now…Today is day 1 of fasting him and I have daphnia which I will try if this doesn’t work. Here is some pictures of him⬇️ He is super super fast! Sorry for not good pics….The last one is when I first got him. Water is low because didn’t used to know what I was doing!😩🙄 I have been doing some aquarium salt for a other issues he used to have. Should I add some today? Also I will get some better pics soon
  6. Yes so if it takes four days add how much ammonia and if 8 add 1/4 of it?
  7. 😔 I know that for a fact. I 100% don’t like betta sickness. If it would be swim bladder what do I do??!
  8. My bettas stomach is fat. Do I starve him for a day or two? I feed him a peeler 2 times a day.here’s a picture of him.Not a great pic😩
  9. I see. Every tank is different so mine might take a longer or shorter time than yours. The ammonia and nitrite are going down and when it does go to 0 I add ammonia and next day will be 0
  10. It is possible I believe and when I see that they are gone do I add one more dose of ammonia @Pepere? It is my opinion that it is done but possible not but I never saw nitrates till yesterday so maybe! I agree. I used ammonia and bacteria and they say it will end between day 5-7 but that isNOT TRUE I know but maybe!
  11. Cycle is almost fineshed right?ammonia has gone down from 4 to 1 ppm and nitrates are 20 ppm and nitrite 2 from 5 ppm. Today is day 15 and I hope it is finished!!!! Is it almost done?
  12. 😂😂thanks for all the. Help! I will ask a pet smart person what the temp is from the tank and compare and go from there!
  13. I think so. If u are getting a certain fish u can see what they’re water parameter needs are.That’s why I 100% recommend the white clouds because u basically don’t have to worry about the paremeters but u need decent paremeters
  14. I recommend white cloud minnows as they can live in a wide range of parameters. U can prob go with 10-15 of them for a 20+ gal.They do great with Cherry shrimp too Just make sure ph is between 7 and 8 I mean 6 and 8
  15. It appears that his scales was originally like that…but u said he was loosing his scales…He should get better but be patient it can take some time. I definitely know from experience I agree…you can get some quick start which can help with the cycle but u should just do a fish in cycle
  16. No stress coat is definitely a good idea. U can double the dosage on bottle for it to replace slime coat on your betta. It says this on the bottle. More water changes and continued treatment is all u can do. He prob will heal with time. What is your water parameters? Do u have any aquarium salt? That definitely helped my sick betta. I recommend fritz aquarium salt if u don’t have any and if u do have some aquarium salt definitely use it! Also what was his original colors when u bought him?
  17. Yes it is empty (animal wise) what do u mean by installation?? Ok! What do u mean by pail? U mean add them to a bucket and drip acclimate them? If it was between 5 degrees off and ok I will just let them sit for 30 mins and every 5 or so mins I can add water right? Cool fish!!!! I like those ones with wings basically!
  18. I have had this experience I mean the SAME because I didn’t do the cycle. First fish died within a month(betta fish) second betta had fin rot as well and I did bettafix and I did fin and body cure.I have personally figured out that liquid treatments don’t help to much as when I used bettafix it didnt do anything. But u definitely did this right and saved your bettas fins! Nice job! It looks very good now! Happy fishkeeping from now on! I would maybe keep doing often water changes though And feed him healthy foods!
  19. Do they need hard or soft? First time getting these boys and I’m going to get 6.
  20. Yes! I did try that after one time and it worked!Thanks
  21. Yes.I have been emailing do Tim’s Aquatics for passed several days and I told hime about the kh and gh being a little low and he said that means longer cycles and told me to do a 33% water change but DONT disturb the substrate…..I add declaranater to the new water right??Because I thought about stress coat will kill ammonia right????? I am prob wrong but first time doing the “fishless” cycle sooo…..
  22. Yes I found out about the fishless cycle only like a couple months ago because I have been doing fish keeping for just a little over year now!
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