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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. So step 1: take a lot of water out by using gravel at the top of water line 2: add new clean tap water with prime and benaficial bacteria 3: wait 24 hours and do another one????????is this right? Ok totally understand now I will do it now! Thanks for ALL the help!! Soooo helpful thanks
  2. Ohhhh so u add bacteria after the water change??? I do a 50 to 80% change right @nabokovfan87? Want to get this right
  3. What I mean by Dr Tim’s is his one and only live Beneficial bacteria. And I do have his ammonia So do do water change? Or wait? I have no fish in here so….
  4. Have u thought about white clouds? They are good fish because any paremeters are pretty much fine for these guys. They really don’t get sick at all and u could put a lot em in there for sure. The White Cloud Mountain minnow is the full name
  5. I am on day 20 or 21 I think and nitrite is 3 or so ppm.(hard to tell between 2 and 5 ppm on API master kit reading) and ammonia is going down and today it is 0.25 ppm and going down.ph is fine at 7.5 ppm too. Nitrates are 90 ppm!! Is this ok?this is a freshwater tank and it is a 10 gallon.Do I wait too lower nitrates with a water change and how doi do this? How big of a change do I do?50%? And when nitrite and ammonia go down to 0 ppm I add more ammonia to 2? Or less????? First time fishless cycling and I thought It would be like 7 days for the cycle to be done but NO!!!!lol because I used dr Tim’s one and only thinking that it would be quick but I know NOW! What conditioner is best for this too? Prime,stress coat,topfinn conditioner?All advice is welcome!! Please help.😁
  6. I just order some from Amazon. The API kind..I didn’t find anything more accurate than those. I have used the API ones and I don’t think it measures ph right but the others are good I think.
  7. Ok. So I guess I will wait a couple of months to add the cherry shrimp or any other shrimp to the aquarium.
  8. Oh sorry I misunderstood u😂 yes true I had no clue at first but yeah u are right
  9. @quikv6 My kh was 40ppm and gh 60 ppm in the first plAce even though seems like nobody measures kh and gh in ppm but that is what it read. I am also out of test strips so I guess I should order those? I use a master test kit for ammonia,nitrite,nitrates and ph and high range ph.but it doesn’t measure kh gh… Messed up the quote on accident..🙄
  10. So will this harm the tank? Because I added 1 teaspoon soooo……I hope not!😢 it should not right?
  11. Hi @PSwayze80! Welcome to the forum and sorry about your Oskar….😞 It isnt fun when it happens I know.
  12. I am cycling the 10 gal currently and wondering how many of the wcmm I could get an and how many shrimp with them? The tank is not planted but will have a decent amount of hides soon when I go to petsmart. The tank is setup and temp is 78 degrees but I will cool it down before I get the minnows and that temp is good for cycling too….So how many? Dont want to overcrowd the tank but I want more than 1 fish obviously.
  13. Yes I do and just looked it up and it said 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water so I will do 2.
  14. Well I can’t answer that really…😅 ummmm can baking soda do anything bad for cycle? Just wanted cycle done sooner that’s all iguess
  15. I see no problem with adding baking soda and crushed coral. I say it just do it. Never thought about that idea and it sounds pretty smart to do….but it’s up to u…
  16. I don’t have any. Any thing else for it to raise IMMEDIATLEY Like maybe a water change? And what is the best conditioner for during cycle? I have prime and stress coat and topfinn water conditioner
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