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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. This is great info. Sorry for SUPER late reply, but thank you @Mmiller2001.
  2. I would change and redose. Adding prime can help but a wc could be huge if ammonia all the way close to 1 @redmare
  3. I added one, but nothing happened. Tried this a lot a few months back, no luck 😕, good idea though! @Yoshi
  4. 76 degrees can kinda be pushin it, they like more of a 79-80 degree span. I agree!
  5. Algae making it look ruff, but plants are ok but the red flame sword is struggling, might get rid of it. Pic Bad pics, bcs I didn’t use my phone for it lol. I might add 1 more nerite snail in the future. Mini mini update, 😄
  6. I would suggest adding this to the “disease” forum on the forums page, @Josh Giro. As for help, @Colu might have an answer. Sorry about this!
  7. Looks very nice, what size tank in 5he first photo @Mmiller2001?
  8. Looking very very nice! Yeah anubias and Java fern and anubias even if dying always find a way to reproduce! That is sick about your shrimp, show baby pics whenever they show up!!!! Thx for the update, @Yoshi. Tank is gorgeous 😍
  9. My snail gets outta there right after light goes off. Lol. I will have more updates soon. Wcmms are the best fish. @Guupy42 if you ever get the chance, get some of these!
  10. Your aquariums look very good. @AllFishNoBrakes! And your angelfish!
  11. Looks good. Decided to jump in and follow your journey @beastie. Like your tanks.
  12. Yes my pandas love hanging out around my java fern, Val and other plants. This might work, best thing to do is try it and tell us what happens! As @clownbaby has mentioned, do not let that rhizome rot and do not bury it! I am sure you know this but just something to keep in mind. Maybe put this in experiments and see how it goes. @beastie.
  13. Yes @HelplessNewbie he was thinking about it, he does not have that combo.
  14. Yes, African dwarf frog would be great, but I would have to be by itself. Maybe a crayfish? But nothing else in there with that either. You could do some micro rasboroas and shrimp but idk, not a lot of options in a 10g aquarium. A shrimp-only tank would be nice. A nice red and blue color would really pop!
  15. Since @Tlindsey and @Tony s answered your Q, i would like to say, welcome to the forum and community!! @Radical.
  16. Wow, we could use your knowledge, that is great being in the hobby for so long. Experience can be key.
  17. Ik, i trim every week, it shoots out 15 billion runners every week lol. I do no root tabs for them anymore. Phew, thought we were going into a huge debate that would need another topic LOL. Yes it is and should be!
  18. My state on root tabs has changed a lot over a month or so, and not just from reading the internet and people's opinions on this forum but from what I have seen. My 1 cent (not 2 lol). When I first started doing plants (been close to a year I think....🤔) I added root tabs a few months in after I saw online that root tabs could benefit the aquarium plant, (keep in mind I was more gullible back then, not that long ago but you know what I mean lol) so I went with ERTs, and well I guess it might've done something but I saw no real big change. But back to what I was saying, I had micro sword, Anubias Nana, and Windelov Java Fern. I added every month, 31 days usually, and at the time was STRUGGLING with BBS and hair algae all over everything including plants. Then for a little bit, I got off track on putting in root tabs in and got a better light ("better". On the look for a better one) and during that time my algae slowed WAY down in my 10g aquarium. Not saying that root tabs was the cause so again, LET ME GET BACK ON TRACK LOL. While not adding root tabs, my micro sword thrived, and my pearlweed has been living up to its name. Now, for a week or two, shut down root tabs and my plants have been doing well, fine. Algae will always be there but doing much better. I think like @Pepere said, nailed it. Yes. I added a few root tabs around my amazon sword when planting it, and only added once again. It recently has THRIVED. So no root tabs can be fine. I agree with @Mmiller2001. Does that even make sense? I kinda got off track. Root tabs can help, but no root tabs can help in a way too. This is IMO. Lol, kinda of a point but superman will always be the guy, sorry @JoeQ, 🤣
  19. Oh gosh, now not just a root tab debate but a superman and batman one too??🤣🤣🤣. Duhhhhhh superman is the best, batman is a man, that throws flying objects that look harmless. Super man is the full package and looks cooler too. 😁
  20. Used to doubt this, but know I see the difference, and boy is it a big one. I am nvr afraid to do a wc at all anymore. I agree @Mmiller2001
  21. I have not followed for a while so i was going to ask which fish are in this amazing tank? The fish on the left bottom corner looks cool, all plants are looking great @Mmiller2001.
  22. Ya, this is me. And you have the option of what specific filter heater and light. Kit lights for plants are a no-go imo, but usually if anyone that has plants that get a kit will replace it. But i do agree!
  23. This one looks ok. I would just go on amazon, they have lots of options or your LFS, there is a lot of good options for bettas, no heater for this one but there are others! https://www.amazon.com/LAQUAL-Rimless-Aquarium-Starter-Surface/dp/B0BVTZTZK9/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?adgrpid=1331509143665377&content-id=amzn1.sym.9e9b4b63-c88b-4cfb-82db-c03fa9bf5baf%3Aamzn1.sym.9e9b4b63-c88b-4cfb-82db-c03fa9bf5baf&cv_ct_cx=starter+kit+for+betta+fish&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2BVEQ52G07VYEGSVAdeJu7ToMG4bgZ0NW7f--5rbbHsZTenXGwtrUDwA8BioYsP8TTPUkuIjQzT7E0HAc4aRCA.7EIEFpy-uOHWOia3-FKaaytdzb5hk3YmEH0Fv-0Hu0A&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83219392422655&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=45950&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-83220515736070%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=
  24. I HAVE NO CLUE. No storm rain or nothin, power just shut out outta nowhere, a town nearby had power out for 8 straight hours, nice sunny day btw LOL. WHO KNOWS 🤣. Now i have to reset my timer on both my lights. AT least it is over and we are good.
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