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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Thanks! I hear that Java fern is a really really good plant so I will give it a shot🙂 I will look into those too!!!🙂
  2. He is dying I think now……😢 he has been in his cave for 4 hours in the death hang position and will not eat or move….😭😭😭
  3. What are good live beginner plants for a 10? Freshwater tank btw. I have researched Java fern Anubius and rosette Sword…are these good ppants? The tank has medium to high light. I will show a pic of the tank. The tank has artificial plants now but I will change it. No fish in it because of fishless cycle going on now.water has evaporated a lot sense the cycle is on day 22.
  4. How many for a 5? My 5 gal is been set up for year now. My betta is not doing good at ALL….he might die soon…..😔😔😢. But I was just wondering..
  5. You might want to feed him some bloodworms or daphnia for a even better diet. I know how feels when your betta is sick…my betta right is dying I think and I have done EVERYTHING I could but he doesn’t eat past 3 hours won’t come out of his cave and now….😢I can’t do anything about it. His paremeters are good to!😔
  6. His fins are fine so that is good though
  7. I thought about that. How do I put him in with betta? I don’t want to take my betta out because he might have a issue and I do not want to stress him.
  8. My 5 gal has had algae in the tank for a while now.how do I kill this? here is some pics:
  9. What are you feeding him? What size tank is he in? What kind of filter does he have? Might just need more time…
  10. Hello thanks for responding and I will tell you what his paremeters are:Ammonia 0ppm nitrite,0 ppm,nitrate 5 ppm(I don’t understand by why u think that 5 ppm on nitrates are to low as under 20 is what u want.)just gotta new heater that heats to 80 degrees which is the tetra heater a 50 watt one. I was cleaning the tank every other day when he was not doing to well. I just did one today. My filter is a topfinn silentstream one with a cartridge that I replace every month.I have a cave for him. I guess I can tranfer a taller plant from a 10 gal that I got that is cycling currently with no fish in it. He doesn’t come out expect to get air from the top….WHAT is wrong with em!!!????? HELP!!! I have aquarium salt should I use it?? Today is day 2 of not feeding him. Should I feed daphnia???! Please help @Odd Duck
  11. Thanks sooooo much @Galabar and @nabokovfan87 I will wait till the end and do a big change! I will let u know how it goes and the fish I get too!!! Yes I have heard that. Thanks! @face!
  12. I might get something else possibly though… Java moss can grow algae like crazy if u have algae and don’t want to risk it
  13. Thanks for the info! I am not going to do live plants because I am not allowed too sooo is there fake grass?@shadow. I can keep these without plants right? I mean live plants?
  14. Thank u everybody I might do a water change today and next weeek. The app wouldnt let me react to your comments because I have done it to much😂😂😂 @nabokovfan87 I meant do one big one and then do weekly water changes. Sorry if I confused u
  15. I see. I don’t have fish and I think I might wait for a couple of days to wait for nitrit to go down to 0 When ammonia and nitrite are 0 do I add more ammonia and how much? I think I won’t do a water change until cycle is completed and do a big one
  16. 75% is what I would need to do right? Or does lower nitrates mean slower cycles or stopped cycles I might start with a 25% change and see what happens
  17. I just rielized 70% water change!!!!???do I do that or just a 50% I mean wow that is a lot. Wouldnt that start cycle over!!!!??? I have worked SO hard and have spend 200+ $ on this and just clarifying that I do this I mean my goodness do I turn off filter? Soooo confused all the sudden!!!! Please help How many water changes between days??? Just making sure… Do I leave filter on?!
  18. That is pretty much all I have for advice😆
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