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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. How do I? Ph is 8.2 but I need it to be less. About 7 to 7.5…getting a school of fish soon..
  2. Ammonia 0 ppm. Nitrates 5 ppm. Nitrite 0ppm. Temp. 78 degrees.
  3. Yes I have a good local store around called the fish bowl but u might not have that byut any local stores is fine
  4. Petsmart???????? I’m 🤔 not sure….
  5. Also, he just came up for air pretty quickly..he missed the daphnia as finally I got it to sink but he tried to get it I will get a air stone as soon as I can!…..hopefully soon
  6. Do you mean put him IN the container? Like how do I get him in…I don’t want to stress him though…btw I have a bigger plant for more coverage I could take out of my 10 gal and transfer it to his tank @Odd Duck Also any way I can get his energy level up?
  7. that’s fine it might be 5 idk. I don’t have a airstone and I could probably only get it Thursday sadly…I fed him a sinking pellet and he ate it so that is some progress! I tried to feed him daphnia but it doesn’t sink!😫is there a way I can sink it? No I don’t..😢what do I do!? @Odd Duck?
  8. I agree with everyone! I will get one when algae builds up! If it does….thanks.
  9. How many with 6 other small fish(WCMM)? I wanted one so if algae starts!
  10. @SupermassiveYes he should recover in a couple days or weeks u just don’t know what will happen with these bettas!🙂
  11. My betta is a year old now from when I bought him but he may be older but he sits in his cave and sits and sits…he is not breathing almost at all but he goes for air and that is like 3 or so times a day. I thought he was dead this morning as he was in the same exact spot the night before…I don’t think I can do anything about it…he doesn’t eat or even come out of his cave. He has swim bladder I think so I let him fast 2 days and was gonna feed him daphnia yesterday but he wouldn’t come…I am not asking for me to do more medication as this has not helped him at all….just asking if is gonna die soon…his paremeters are good but he got swim bladder and I don’t think he will make it but just asking…..😔 He also lays side ways a lot…..
  12. @Supermassive,this can happen by,poor water quality,or lack of nutrition and not varied diet. This is fairly common but not SUPER SUPER common…
  13. Where can u get cheap 10 gallon aquariums???
  14. Same question here…they say prime kills ammonia but maybe not in my opinion…
  15. True he is still hanging on somehow….but still no way he will make it…🥺
  16. Yes that is fine just asking abowaht u were feeding him. My betta is dying now and I can’t do anything about him so it hurts…😕 He has been with me for a couple of months now…like 9 or so.
  17. Thanks @nabokovfan87and @Tony s !! I was thinking of maybe cherry or Amano shrimp!
  18. Thanks everyone but I have bad news about my betta…he is dying…🥺he is not going to make it….I don’t think. He is going down quick..
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