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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yes just continue to monitor…
  2. Yes I am getting Java fern and Anubis nana!waiting for it to arrive from Ac.
  3. U never want ammonia to be higher than0 btw…besides that other paremeters are fine…
  4. you might have....taking all the gravel out plus some of the decor i risky....what is your paremeters?
  5. Ok….so I guess I will wait till Ammonia is 0 and more and continue to do that until it can go down within 24 hours???? Does present nitrite matter at this stage? I do have the same cartridge in the other tank…actually it is the same exact tank but the older one is smaller. Thanks for the info! I will do that! Thanks, @NOLANANO, @Tony s, @Schuyler!
  6. Water has evaporated a LOT since the start of things….ph is 7.4 I believe. I don’t use sponge filters and have never sooooo what do u mean by me showing a pic? I am already in the btw…. ??? This a 10 gal…. Do I add ammonia or no…
  7. Is there any way at all to read ammonia on there?….if not I would find one to do so so nothing goes wrong….everything is looking good on there….gh is pretty low it appears or is that super high gh?
  8. I am doing the fishless cycle and on day 26 of it using the one only bacteria product(which I have learned does NOT take 5-7 days) with dr Tim’s ammonia chloride solution. Question,I added more ammonia yesterday as nitrite FINALLY reached 0 ppm with already days before it reached 0 ppm and this morning the ammonia is .50 ppm and nitrite 2 ppm. Do I add more until it can go down to 0 ppm within 24 hours? This is a freshwater aquarium. Has a heater and filter. I am seeing 20 ppm nitrates right now but present nitrite it is probably not reading it right…..do I add more ammonia??? Or do wait a couple more hours as I waiting 24 from when I added yesterday…
  9. Just ordered one and coming tomorrow. (the plant holder) I guess I will see what happens!!!
  10. I watched Cory do it from a old vid on YouTube and o see now. Can I leave live plants in the pot in tank btw? @Tony s? The Anubis plant?
  11. Hello @stargazer! Welcome to the forum. I just ordered some live plants from AC!
  12. How do I super glue (the gel kind)it? Putting it on my decor cave and do I attach it vertically or horizontally???? This for my 10 gallon aquarium….
  13. Thanks yes I heard that!
  14. White Cloud Mountain minnows. They can handle that I think…
  15. Kh is 120 ppm ph is 8.2 ppm. Yes this is the same tank.
  16. Also, I am in the very last stages of the fishless cycle and nitrite is almost 0. It is 0.25 ppm. Gimme a sec and I will check…. 120 ppm on kh @Fish Folk
  17. I am testing the aquarium water and using the api freshwater master test kit…
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