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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. You can order the ammonium chloride solution from Amazon
  2. Hmmmm…it prob is green spot algae. Here is some ways to treat it. 1.reduce the lights with a light dimmer. 2. Increase maintenance.3. Get so,e algae eaters such as,snails,shrimp,plecos,depends on tank size. 4. Put lots and lots of plants there. What size tank is this? Java moss can attract algae and it is super hard to get off…
  3. Nice! Cool tank + your hairy puffer!
  4. Hello! Cool tank btw…so when u cycle your tank you don’t won’t to get rid of nitrites or nitrates UNTIL the cycle is done. How are you cycling this tank right now? With a bacteria starter or what? What u want is to dose ammonia (or wait a super super long time for ammonia to build up which you prob haven’t done which is fine)and the nitrite over a little bit of time build up and then nitrates start showing up around maybe week 2-3-4 or so and then ammonia starts going down and eventually nitrite as well then when both are 0 ppm add more ammonia and then wait 24 hours and see if both are gone. If so your tank is cycled but it might not and if not wait till both go to 0 ppm again (ammonia nitrite)and redoes to 2 ppm as I forgot to mention…with all that said you prob know all of this!🤣but what route are you taking for this cycle???? Also,you can add your betta after your cycle is done. Make sure to acclimate for at least 20 mins and net him out. DONT POUR WATER IN FROM OLD TANK!!! I am sure you know all of this but just making sure.😅 I am currently cycling a 10 gallon as well with plants coming tomorrow (live plants from aquarium coop) and almost done. In fact I am going too check the water tonight and it might be done. Have been cycling for maybe 29 or 30 days…
  5. Oh cool. Nice thanks I am putting some WCMMs in this tank and some Anubius nana plus windelov java fern!! @tolstoy21and @Dacotuathanks!!!
  6. Yeah, nerite snails have smaller antennae’s though…. Thanks I will Thanks too! Oh…..I have a 5 gallon….it still should be fine right? @Tony s
  7. Betta fish online….maybe betta squad usa but have never got anything ther….not sure.
  8. Thanks Yes planning on getting a nerite snail but do I take out my betta fish while acclimating snail? So he won’t get after it? I do NOT want to do this as I won’t no stress done to my betta…..
  9. @JS Fish 1324! Welcome to the forum! Cooltanks!😎
  10. I have had this for a while in my 5 gallon. Is this something to worry about as I am going to add some live plants in soon…
  11. I personally have never seen those in like petsmart for example. I recommend: White Cloud Mountain minnows, green neon tetras,….trying to 🤔 think…. Zebra danios or cherry barbs and the like. Harqulin rosabras You could prob have a army of. Shrimp in a 20 but not everyone likes just shrimp.😄
  12. Oh ok thanks.Can plants live plants be in a tank with diatoms or do I need a snail? @Fish Folk
  13. Btw his ph is 6.8 not 7.4. Sorry that was an error. That ph is in another tank I have.
  14. I have had a lot of trouble with this betta. He was very very sick a couple of days ago I thought he was 100% going too die from having a big belly and possibly it was swim bladder. I treated him by fasting him for 2 days and then feeding daphnia. He somehow pulled throw and is now swimming a good bit but I think his top fin has been clamped all his life! He was super sick a couple months ago but pulled through somehow. I keep him in a 5 gallon aquarium with a hang on back silentstream filter. Paremeters: ammonia 0ppm.nitrite 0 ppm. Nitrates are 5 ppm and ph 7.3. His fin is clamped and I have been doing aquarium salt! Do I need to something about this? His fins slightly rotted a couple of days ago. His belly is still big though….just fasted him again today but HELP!!!any advice at all I will accept!😥
  15. Hello there and I am actually about to find out myself with these products I just ordered and coming tomorrow!😂here is a pic⬇️ Also got some fish food for my future White Cloud minnows. Cycling tank currently 10 gallon
  16. How much do I use? I am currently at the end of the cycle with Java fern and easy green fertilizer +a easy planter,super glue gel,so on…It should arrive tomorrow and also Anubius coming Wednesday of next week. First time plant keeper here so all I read was that these 2 are super super easy to grow. I am not a new hobbyist though btw. Have kept a tank for close to 2 years now but anyway going to leave Anubis in the pot in the easy planter from aquarium coop and glue Windelov Java Fern onto rock.advice anybody? Anubius Nana btw
  17. U could add root tabs if your Java fern is in the gravel or substrate…. But idk if that would help….more dosing should solve it.
  18. Update on betta: he is alive and now swimming around!!!!! His stomach is still fat though…any other ideas? @Odd Duck? Like to make him…not fat?
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