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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Been a few days picture of my 20 rn.
  2. Been to long. Picture of tank. Been super busy lol.
  3. Yes dechlor water cleaning is fine. I haven’t changed mine in 4 months. Chock full of BB. So when I clean I don’t worry. I usually clean in tank water that I take out during water change. I agree 👍🏻 Yes me too actually! Yep nailed it @Tony s. I only change when water is getting a lil more cloudy. And like u said when it is starting to crumple lol.
  4. @Colu might be able to help. Let us see what he says
  5. would up the temp to at least 77 degrees, the lower the temp, the lower your bettas immune system can fight illness. might be fine now but in future it can lead to issues. And WCMMs life span shortens in warmer temps btw.
  6. Local aquarium clubs in your area, is a good way imo.
  7. Keep fish and answer Qs! Welcome!
  8. Snail eggs maybe? I am not sure. Maybe someone else might be able to help. Looks better, but the tumor (or something else is getting worse). I would just try to keep VERY VERY GOOD water parameters @BillyJBryant. And @Colu miight have better treatment options.
  9. Yes maybe 5 or 6. They really like groups. A social cory cat lol
  10. Thanks! Struggling with algae, and plants etc. So will buy some next month, @Tony s That is awesome!
  11. Welcome! This forum is great, ask plenty of Qs! We like to help! Nice fish!!
  12. Maybe some Saki-Hikari Fancy Goldfish? I hear that is a good one.
  13. My pandas are doing well. How long do you think it will be until I can add more? @Tony s and other fish eventually. Ammonia is 0.
  14. @Colu is a disease expert, let’s see what he says @Spooky_Action98.
  15. Yes same thoughts but your betta is great! @Jack1235 what are you gonna name him? And cool snail looks like mine!
  16. Yes algae. A weird one too lol like Joe Q said.
  17. Yes thank you! My ammonia and nitrite are 0, i have algae and plants, and I have 6 pandas now. thx @karenpeek and @Jeff.
  18. Agreed. Very important to test for ammonia at least weekly. You nailed it @Tony s
  19. The blue-green slime is not only an ugly sight but also foul-smelling. Furthermore, blue-green algae produces toxins which can be harmful plants in your aquarium. If the slime covers a plant completely, it will not be able to get sunlight and die as a result. So here is a link to ACs website about BGA (Blue green algae) https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/blue-green-algae?srsltid=AfmBOoomnk_8oxhviQiKulfxhYXyD5jrv-na6lzVtcg4e_NfcrwfF7yf Can be harmful to your fish too, but not super likely.
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