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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. This reminds me of an episode of River Monsters where Jeremy snagged a ginormous fish. He didn't catch it the regular way, as the fish had another huge fish stuck in its throat and was itself near death! The "victim" fish was at least half the size of its predator, and was of course dead when he pulled it out, but good old Jeremy saved a gigantic river monster predator that day!
  2. Sounds like a great setup and fish selection! I'm soaking some spider wood for my new 20L and am interested in hearing what others have to say about possible fish injuries from sharp wood. I hope my fish will carefully scope out the new tank and can avoid those spots! I had red root, but it got completely overtaken by water sprite (also got tangled in sprite's roots) and another floating plant that I can't recall the name of (something-minimus - haha, "minimus"). The floating plants all seem to overtake at some point and need severe pruning - I've only had my main tank less than 4 months and have had to clean out lots of water sprite so the lower plants can get more light!
  3. I use mineral junkie bites and wonder shells, but my water is soft out of the tap and I have lost a few yellow shrimp. I just got some blue bolt shrimp which prefer softer, lower pH water and am hoping they'll do well in the main tank, pH of ~6.6. They are tiny and I can't count them all. I have seen my rasboras try to go after them, and am hoping they didn't nip. The shrimp seem oblivious to the fish, a little scary when they are babies.
  4. Hi Knew, the baby shrimp above is one of two that survived this clutch of eggs from mama. I didn't see either of them until just a few days ago because they hide so well in the moss! It's amazing that any survived with 11 little danios in there!
  5. Mine are not organized at all, except that they all have drip loops.
  6. Yellow shrimp 💛💛 Here is one of my babies.
  7. I'm playing the waiting game. I want to move the danios but do not have plants in the 20L as they're in day 6 of transit. I hope they make it as it'll probably be a Monday or Tuesday delivery now.
  8. Three: 45 gallon, 20 gallon long (no fish yet), and 10 gallon (fish being moved to 20L), this one will become a quarantine tank.
  9. Rasboras and danios: twice a day. Rotate am and pm feedings - 1x/day live baby brine shrimp, 1x/Hikari micro-pellet or flake, occasionally substituted with freeze dried blood worms or brine shrimp, or frozen daphnia. Otocinclus catfish: Hikari algae wafers, trying to get them to try blanched veggies. All they can eat buffet.
  10. I've never worn gloves nor gotten water in mouth, but I've gotten it splashed on my face and just rinsed off. I have never given a single thought to catching something from my fish!
  11. The big otocat on the left is the largest of my group of 6. I think she's a female and the one on the right is male. I'm not so sure about the others as they're not full grown yet and so far all appear to be males, at least compared to this one! There's another photo of her on the leaf for a side view. They finished an algae wafer overnight for the first time. I want to get them to try veggies - no luck yet. They're finally coming out a bit more in the day, but not much; they're more active at night. Pardon the rasbora photo bombs - they were going after live BBS.
  12. My otocats have finally started eating algae wafers - this one tried the face-down method.
  13. Cory has a video on female honey gourami on you tube - I think it was top 5 peaceful fish or top 5 fish for under 20 gallon aquarium.
  14. @Hobbit, the honeys left the shrimp alone? I could have a honeys in my tank in lieu of pearls, which I'm told will chow on shrimp. Gouramis are one of my favorite fish. There's a giant gourami on display in my LFS.
  15. That surprises me as well! Maybe they figured if it's just one fish there won't be a problem. (Murphy's law says "hold my beer".)
  16. I think you'll find as many opinions on this as you will with people fasting! I don't fast my fish, but would not fret if they happened to miss a meal or two.
  17. Here are some pics of my new baby cardinia shrimp stomping over hydra without a care in the world. I think it scooped up a piece of it. I'm totally amazed - the shrimp are only about 1/8-1/4" in length.
  18. Rasboras checking out one of the new inhabitants. "Too big for us to eat (darn), but too small to hurt us - it's all good!"
  19. The other day I ordered 10 blue bolt shrimp (Caridina cf Cantonesis) and got 11 babies today!
  20. The aqueon or top fin top for the 20L should fit. Edit: never mind, it measures about 29 1/4.
  21. I heard that the parameters in municipal water supplies can also change dramatically and temporarily if there's a big storm, as they add more chemicals.
  22. I have six otocinclus catfish in my 45-gal. Waiting for space in the quarantine tank to open up for corydoras catfish for both 20L and 45. My rasboras were seriously put off when I first introduced the otocats, but they're now friends! The cats come out when the lights go off, and they "school" near the top with the rasboras repeatedly, whipping past the rasboras and going down and up on the glass on the other side before rejoing for the trip back across. It's so enjoyable to watch them! I wish they were more active during the day.
  23. @kaCampbellwatching/caring for rasboras (and otocats and danios and shrimp and ???) is the secret to my sanity, it turns out! 😉
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