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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. Aren't they though? I'm imagining one of those angels in with my rasboras - the color coordination would be awesome! Someone posted a blue dwarf gourami and its "gang" of similarly colored smaller fish and that got me really thinking about how great that looks. I have room in my aquarium for an angel, too.
  2. Harlequin rasboras are far and away my favorite. They're small and beautiful, showing off varying shimmers of light and deep orange and silver, depending on how the light hits certain areas of their bodies. They school, shoal, go off on their own and in pairs, and nap spread out all over the tank. Whatever they're doing, if something startles them they form into a tight group. Their fins turn deep orange when fed live baby brine shrimp or even freeze dried brine shrimp. They have cool black streaks on the edges of their anal fins and tips of their dorsal fins. Watching their dorsal fins go up and down and change color is fascinating, as they're so expressive with them. The juveniles are adorable and love to play in the bubbles, filter flow, and lower in the tank around the decor and plants, while the adults are mostly just concerned with propagating the species! 💗
  3. If you can't be with him, maybe you could do a "local fish store zoom fish meet and greet" 😀
  4. A last minute gift could be going with him to the LFS to pick out fish based on the setup you've picked for him, giving him tips on various fish (this species could be too shy, this species grows too big, that species and the other one that you like will get along just fine, that fish will color up and look gorgeous, etc.). Good luck, what a lucky Dad he is!
  5. Update: day 6 I am only updating today because I found 2 more fry in the tank for a total of 3. There are also at least 3 still in the breeder.
  6. It seems to me that covid has been a boon for the hobby, and the biggest problem is they can't keep stuff in stock due to both increased ordering and shipping issues. I've seen articles that purchases of pet supplies have gone through the roof since people are home with their pets and getting new ones, and many people who don't want (or cannot have) dogs or cats are looking to fish. I wanted another dog when I retired, but my dog is too picky and spazzy for me to go through the adoption process during covid (it was going to be a rough search anyway - he's friendly but comes off super-aggressive at first due to anxiety). So that's sort of what got me looking at fish more seriously. I order most stuff online, and one nearby chain pet store has free delivery if you order a certain amount. So far my fish have only come from one of two independent LFS's - the key to avoid the largest crowds is to go right when they open and if possible, during mid-week, in my experience. Can't wait for the spring auction, to be held outdoors in April, to see what the local breeders have!!
  7. Hello, I joined my local aquarium society two weeks ago, and have not heard a peep from anyone since. I emailed them on their web page form last week, and still have not heard anything. Dean is speaking at the February zoom meeting and I don't want to miss it! Is this normal procedure when a new member joins an aquarium club? All I have received is the PayPal receipt. Thanks.
  8. Update: day 5. Found 4 free swimming in breeder, 1 in tank
  9. I have 6 otocats (I think) but haven't seen more than 4 at a time for several weeks. I've seen what appears to be mating behavior so maybe there are more!!
  10. 4 day old danio fry with snail photobomb, outside of the breeder box. And some of its siblings inside the box.
  11. Three of the fry have started to move around a bit more. I'm feeding them Hikari First Bites and spirulina powder. I'm not sure how many are left - only counted 5 today but they are still so hard to see. Didn't see any in the aquarium today but there are lots of hiding spots. I guess I'll be real lucky if even one makes it.
  12. @Bill Smith posted about an ingenious DIY fry catcher he made from plastic water bottles. I don't know how to link his post but if you search for "DIY fish trap" it comes up in the search results.
  13. I feed mine a piece of an algae wafer every couple of days, but the danios always get to it first. I guess the shrimp eat some pellets I put in for the fish. They're like kids, always wanting what the other one got. 😃
  14. @Irene has a few videos on YouTube (girl talks fish) on betta behavior and tankmates.
  15. It just occurred to me why I never gave a single thought to having an aquarium back in the late 80s through the early 2000s. Three kids. 😃
  16. I agree with James Black - stability is more important than trying to chase down numbers.
  17. Hello! I have danio erythromicron (emerald dwarf danio), also endemic to Inle Lake. I have read about a few danio species in this lake and other similar lakes in Myanmar, but this is the first I've hear of yours, which look very similar to mine! Are yours very shy and very small? Mine are tops 3/4" - the dwarf shrimp look huge next to them! I've witnessed lots and lots of breeding behavior, and today during a water change found my first few fry! Provide lots of plants and places to hide and spaces to break up fights. If they're anything like mine, the males can get extremely aggressive. The male coerces the female to lay one egg and then he fertilizes it. Then they swim around and it all starts again, with him fending off other males while simultaneously trying to lure her somewhere to lay another egg. I have no idea how many eggs the females lay over what period, but this goes on for several hours every day. Its fascinating but I wish they weren't so terribly shy.
  18. Found several danio erythromicron fry on today's water change!! I put several in this fry basket and then found more still in the aquarium. A detritus worms photobombed the first pic. Not sure what else to do!
  19. New rasbora trying to swim like the otocat. Sorry for the poor quality - had to do it in the dark and from a few feet away.
  20. You could try an experiment on methods of cycling a tank: fishless using ammonia (one with and one without plants) versus a light fish load (with and without plants). In lieu of plants (or to change/add variables), you could include tanks with different pH, hardness, temperature, daily light, etc. Whatever you do, I hope you'll share the results here!
  21. Welcome! Your journey back sounds sort of like mine! I am also recently retired, and have danios (danio erythromicron) and can relate to the blurry photos!
  22. Welcome! Sorry to hear about your heater problem, which seems to be a common enough occurrence to be concerning. @Danielhas written about this, explaining that they almost always fail "on" and overheat the water, and a way to prevent it is to use heaters underrated for the capacity so they never turn off and will never be able to overheat the water. I guess you'd have to use more than one depending on your tank size, heater wattage, room temp, and desired water temp.
  23. I feed mine twice a day, around 7am and 6pm. In one tank I have danio erythromicron and yellow shrimp (so far) and in the other, harlequin rasboras, otocats, and blue bolt shrimp. I rotate between flake, Hikari micropellets, live BBS, dry brine shrimp and dry blood worms; and Hikari algae wafers for the shrimp and otocats. My opinion on fasting, at least for small community fish (except otocats and any other fish designed to feed constantly), is it's probably fine for the fish, just like it's fine if a person fasts occasionally, even for several days, as long as the fish is otherwise well fed. But I don't think it's necessarily healthier than a balanced, regular diet as long as we don't overfeed our fish, which is probably more dangerous for the fish than occasional fasting.
  24. @Shmaty one of my stem plants is only about 6" from the surface and several more are on the way up. I don't know the name if this one but it's interesting to see how the top leaves differ from the lower.
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