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  1. About 80 percent is. It doesn't fit in my holder very well so I tacked it to the wall
  2. Will this work since most of the roots are in the water, or does the stem need to be in there as well?
  3. I will look into it. When it was younger I thought for sure it was a baby bolivian but now I don't know.
  4. It has been with me for over eight months but the fish store had it in a smaller tetra tank and I pointed it out their shipper accidentally shipped it with tetras. It was very tiny when I got it so I never knew what type of ram it was
  5. Can my javafern stay in the pots and be placed in an easy planter or does the rhizome need to be uncovered from rockwool?
  6. Is this ram male or female? Also is it a bolivian because it does have blue specks but not like a German blue ram does.
  7. Update: The black guppy did not make it but the white one is doing 10 times better. Thank you everyone
  8. Will do thank you I am not sure but I've only have had these 2 guppies since Friday my other 2 guppies are good.
  9. Thank you that's what I thought as well
  10. Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 20ppm As of right now
  11. Hmm okay maybe I will try this but for now I will see how these meds work I think.
  12. I do have aquarium salt but I have corydoras I hear they can't tolerate salt
  13. Thank you for your help I will be home at around 8pm after work I plan on testing my water to make sure. I will also add an extra airstone and take pics of the fish and let you know what my parameters are.
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