Hello All,
This is the first time with planted tank. The tank is under cycle for 4weeks. I have 2 white skirt , 2 black skirt and couple neons. My tank has some algae issue. And most of the plants in the fore ground melted. Currently all my ferts are from seachem like ( flourish, flourish excel, iron ).
Initial setup which had some glossostigma and some dwarf hair grass almost all of them melted.
week 1
After a week of cycling I did a water test and found out I have hight ph of 7.6 and ammonia. Unfortunately I had to go on a trip for three weeks. So no water changes and ferts for three weeks. I have put the light fluval 3.0 in 7 hours schedule and auto feeder for one a day.
week 4
After the trip, below is the status of the tank. Kindly ignore the ph test I messed up.
On Thursday October 26 I did 50% water change and the following Sunday i did the test again for ph and ammonia. Also attached is the light intensity and during I am running.
Below are some of my assumptions and questions where I think I am not doing it correct or missing the steps
1) not planted the tank fully ( I have ordered some plants )
2) may be the ferts I am using, is not feeding the plants I choose. Do I need a root tab ?
3) should I reduce the light intensity?
4) should I add more fish ?
I want to understand what are mistakes I did and how can I correct them to make this planted tank working.
Appreciate your help in advance !!!