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  1. very much, thank you so much for taking the time to help me out!
  2. Thanks everyone for your help. I got the rocks from my local pet shop, they were sold in bags (I threw the bags away and can’t remember the brand name). Thanks so much for your help! I was thinking of adding a couple live plants to help with the cycling, do you think that’s a good or bad idea given what’s going on? I am going to test the ammonia levels when I get done with work.
  3. No I used API tap water conditioner
  4. Hi there! First time aquarium owner here, I could use some advice. I have a 15 gallon tank, put in some small rocks/gravel as substrate and then just added water and dechlorinator. Was a little cloudy from the rocks (despite having rinsed them off first) but on day two it turned crystal clear. I was planning on adding some plants in on day three, but I woke up to it being cloudy again but this time with a noticeable sulphur smell. I thought this was strange because I have not added anything to my tank except rocks and the filter. Can you get a bacteria bloom with all brand new equipment and without adding fish, food, bacteria, really anything but rocks? Is there anything I need to do or just ride it out? Thank you for reading and for any advice you can share.
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