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  1. As I continue considering making a high flow tank (in an available 10 gallon), I’d love to see how you designed your high flow tank. Also welcome plant suggestions that work well in high flow settings. Thanks!
  2. Greetings, fellow fish keepers. Dealing with MTS. Thinking of adding a 10 gallon with a fairly strong flow along the long side. Thoughts on how to stock such a tank? Thanks!
  3. Thank you! I've solved the problem for now, but like your idea about the pump with the sponge filter. Good trick to keep up my sleeve. I've seen a video about the air pump in a glass bottle idea, and tried it, but it was still a bit more than I cared for. You've been happy with it, though, clearly, so perhaps I did something wrong. Thanks for chiming in!
  4. @reefhugger, I did. I appreciate the prompt to come back and share the update. Silence is what I wanted above all, so I chose a Sicce Shark Pro 700. Even on the lowest setting with the spray bar it was creating more flow than I wanted, so I put a pre-filter sponge on the output scoop (used zip ties on the scoop to create little tabs the sponge grabs onto). Now I have the filter on high and the sponge diffuses the water, leaving just enough flow to move things around a bit, without blowing my future fish around. I'm 100% satisfied with this as the solution! The filter made a bit of noise for about the first 24 hours, but I have yet to hear it since then (and it is on my desk in my bedroom, so I spend a lot of hours right next to my tank.) The internal filter is kind of large for the 10 gallon, but I have a black background and the black filter sits in the back corner behind some plants, so I don't see it. Since the water surface is fairly undisturbed, I had to add a surface skimmer that runs for 30 minutes twice per day and keeps the surface nice and clean. Not the simplest solution, for sure, but the absolute silence is wonderful. And I really like the leak-proofness and power-outage friendliness of internal filters, plus their silence, so I have them in almost all my tanks now (different models---Sicce Shark ADV 400/600's in a couple 20 talls, Oase BioCompact 50 in a couple 5 gallons, and this Sicce Shark Pro 700 in this 10 gallon.) Let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. Very helpful! Thank you! Apology totally accepted! Keep sharing the wealth…I know you help lots of folks with your contributions to conversations around here. Keep it up!
  6. @Flipper I understand the question. My intent isn’t to reject every idea that comes in; I’m hoping to find a solution I haven’t yet explored. Coming to ask here wasn’t my first step in researching options; I’ve gone down all sorts of rabbit holes and was trying to find new ones. In my initial post I tried to provide enough information about what I had tried and ruled out (including sponge filters and nano-USB pumps) and then I specifically request ideas I might not yet have tried. Input on this thread has put some new options on the table I hadn’t yet considered, which was my hope with asking the question in the first place. In fact, your comments about the Marina S10 ruled that one out for me since I want the option of biomedia. I also appreciated hearing your experiences with the Tidal 35’s, and I have to decide how to square that with my experience that was different. Not sure what else to say. Research leads to lots of dead ends, but that’s part of the process. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  7. Thank you, @TeeJay! I appreciate your input and the suggestions. Do you have any experience with the Forza series and restarting after power outages? We have fairly frequent power blips.
  8. Thanks! I have three of Aquarium Co-op's tiny USB pumps, and they do do a great job powering sponge filters. Unfortunately, they are neither as quiet as I'd like, nor have I found them to last very long. (AC replaced the ones that went bad, but it still doesn't seem like a sustainable long-term solution, plus the noise still being more than I care for.) Good point on the lube, though. I will take a look. Thanks for the tip!
  9. Thank you! Great input on the Marina Slim. I like using biomedia, so this is really helpful information. Thank you. I had a couple noisy ones before, but found a separate post that talked about using silicon lube on the impeller when it was new to silence it. Might go that route.
  10. Thanks for the idea, but, no, I can't do that.
  11. Greetings, folks. Have a 10 gallon tank in my room. It is dirted, deep sand substrate, and fairly heavily planted. I've had an Oase BioCompact 50 (with a pre-filter sponge on the output) on it and that has worked well for my Betta. I'm considering moving him to a different tank and stocking this one differently, and the BioCompact is pretty small, so a larger filter is on my mind. But, I hate mechanical noises in my bedroom. Don't mind water movement noises, but can't stand mechanical ones (and I have sensitive ears.) Sponge filters are out because of the racket air pumps make; I've tried a lot, including the nano-USB ones, and none have passed muster for me. I have Sicce Shark ADV's in a couple other tanks and love how quiet they are, but they're too tall for this tank. If I switch to a HOB, I prefer one that has the pump in the water. I've tried a couple Tidal 35's, but both were noisy. The Marina Slim has been recommended to me. What other suggestions do you have for a truly quiet filter for a 10 gallon? Thanks for your input!
  12. Thank you! That filter is for sure on my list if I am looking for a HOB. Right now I’m really happy with the internal filters I’m using (Oase BioCompact 50 on two tanks, and Sicce Shark ADV 400 on two tanks.)
  13. Following up on this magnet attachment idea I tried out. It was a COMPLETE bust. The adhesive (or metal? I’m guessing adhesive) on the metal plate I attached to the filter (and thus was inside the tank) was massively messing with the water parameters. As soon as I removed that the returned to normal and stayed stable. I reverted to the suction cups that came with the filters, and have been very happy with everything. I have these Oase BioCompact 50’s in two tanks: 5.5 gallon one with a few guppies, and 10 gallon betta tank. The guppies like the flow in their small tank, so I leave it on high. However, even turned all the way down, the flow still blew my betta around in his tank, so I ended up putting a pre-filter sponge on the outlet and that diffuses the flow plenty (even with the flow turned all the way up.) I’m very happy with these filters. They’re pretty quiet, and the filtering performance is great. I left the blue sponge that came with the filter on the one side, and filled both pillboxes with Seachem Matrix and have been very happy with the condition of the water in both tanks.
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