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  1. Thank you for your response! I looked into that one before but everyone has such differing opinions but I'll look into it again! I am also concerned about overfeeding but I've heard you can tape the opening so that less food is dispensed. Hi there! Thank you for your response! It is difficult to find someone to feed my fish over the holiday as many people go home for the holiday season so I am going to look into an autofeeder in case no one is available.
  2. Hi y'all! I currently have a 10-gallon rimless tank that houses one giant male betta and one Amano shrimp. I am looking for a reliable automatic feeder that can dispense a small amount of food for about 2-4 weeks in case I have to go on vacation. Also how many pellets should I feed a giant betta? I've seen some people say 6-8 pellets 2x a day? Does anyone have experience with the Aquarium Coop autofeeder for one fish? Thank you for your time 🙂
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