I walked in my fish room last night after work and noticed my zebra pleco aquarium heater wasn’t showing the digital temperature readout and checked the plug…was plugged in. Unplugged and went to pull the heater out and the water was noticeably hot…got the heater out and the internals exploded. I put a spare new ACO heater in and it started climbing to 91 degrees…immediately started siphoning and filling with RODI room temperature water to get the temperature down to 82 where the heater was set but didn’t want to drop the temperature ten degrees that fast.
Luckily my 13 adult breeder L046 were not harmed…they can withstand high 80 to 90 degrees but luckily I caught this in time!!!!
II wanted to get temperature controllers but didn’t want to have to buy one for each tank that I use a heater in. I keep the room at 78 degrees but some of my fish like the water a little warmer. I wish there was a multi channel temperature controller!
I’ve had my two towers in a 10 gallon with a HOB filter, two air stones and some floating plants in rain water for five days and once I put an algae tab in the top if each tower the worms moved in to them. Doing my first water change today.
Awesome information! I have a guy about five hours from me that I can buy blackworms from but I’d rather culture my own in my fish rooms to have on hand at any time. I can figure out a water top off system that plumbs into my drain line and water system for my aquariums.
Sorry to read that man. I’m going to be in the hobby as long as I possibly can. I just set up a 10 gallon with a suspended sponge filter and I will be making a couple of towers as soon as my mesh is delivered. I’ve got a lot of corys and plecos to breed!
Just reviving this thread…I’m going to attempt to build a 20 long mini river habitat with clear pipe laying on the bottom long ways and a piece of Lexan on top that fits super tight and see if I can duplicate a false bottom without glass or silicone…(ok maybe a little). I have purple finned hillstreams coming soon and want to try this.
Research as much as possible. I’m doing the same as you right now. TM Aquatics and PlecoCeramics on YouTube are excellent resources. You won’t learn in a day, there is a lot to absorb!