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  1. Thank you so very much for the help and for welcoming me. I look forward to learning all I can and making friends that have the same desire.
  2. I’m what I would say is a newby to the hobby as I’ve only had a few tanks(5) for a couple years now. But I am an avid diyer and I love to see what I can achieve with minimal expense. so my question is — I am building a 55 gal planted eco system that will house shrimp, cpd, neons, ottos and rummies for my 82 yr old house mate. The background I have been working on is a combination of expanding foam, sand, rocks, silicon and krylon fusion spray paint. What can I use to seal the whole thing so it’s safe and won’t leech into the water. Any input is greatly appreciated as I have researched it on YouTube as if there is just too many options to trust my gut on.
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