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Posts posted by subramn

  1. 55 Gallon Heavily planted and stocked tank with guppy and tetras. i dont have a special quarentine tank

    Dosage : 1 

    1. Remove all the filter pads - Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate,Phosphate, Active carbon infused pad
    2. Leave Sponge on back Prefilter and Sponge filter
    3. Do a 50% water change.
    4. Donot apply any fertilizer or water conditioner
    5. Day-1 : Apply Aquarium Solutions Ich - X - 25 Ml
    6. Day-1 : Apply 6 Packets of Fritz ParaCleanse
    7. Day-1 : Apply 6 Packets of Mardel Maracyn
    8. First 3 days - No food
    9. Fourth day thru Seventh day - Drop little food once a day
    10.Eighth day - Do a 25% water change and resume regular food

    Repeat Dosage 1 after 2 weeks.

    does it sound right?

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