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Everything posted by TrogdorTheBettanator

  1. Hi there! That banana plant is amazing! It makes me want to get one now lol
  2. @Schuyler I'm so glad someone knows what it's from! We did look for a thatched roof cottage, we compromised with the mushroom cottage lol 20 years seems so short yet so long ;-;
  3. Close! Trogdor is from a super old (pre-youtube) internet video about a guy who draws a dragon lol I have thought about getting him a tunnel! I kind of wanted to see his personality first, but I do think that he would like one! He likes to swim under the log and through all the java ferns. He also likes to hang out in the water sprite I have floating on the surface :) It's on my list of items to buy.
  4. Good day all :) I've recently got into aquarium/fish keeping. After a lot of research and countless videos (which led me to ACO) I took the plunge and got a 20 gallon aquarium. I knew I was going to keep it planted, as I already have lots of houseplants and I love greenery. So I bought the tank, filled it with plants, and let it establish itself for about a month (had some technical difficulties with the water parameters halfway through but got it quickly sorted) before stocking it. Enter Trogdor the Bettanator and the Peasants! I purchased 10 black neon tetras, 4 panda corys, 2 baby mystery snails (plus mini rams horn snails from the plants), and a bright red male betta as the centerpiece of the tank that my husband and I named Trogdor. Anyone know where that name comes from? :D They've all been living together for a week now. Trogdor has gotten a bit sassy with the tetras around feeding time now that he's gotten used to the tank. But 95% of the time they all swim around happily together. I have always loved betta fish so I'm really happy that the community tank is working so far. Please excuse the low waterline, tomorrow is tank maintenance day :) I'm not sure if I'll post much, but I've found some very helpful information from other posters. So, thank you to everyone who shares their knowledge with noobs like me!
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