Hello everyone
Heres a quick introduction to my 75 gallon turtle x community aquarium.
The tank has been up and running for almost 4 years now, its on a custom stand i built myself so it would be extra strong and sturdy, then painted black to match the trim. Its being filtered by one fluval fx4 canister filter and a wave maker for extra current. I purchased the basking area for my turtle on amazon and ended up painting it black as well to match. The background is a 3d textured ‘universal rock’. Gravel is a mix of carib sea eco complete and medium black sand, and for the lighting, its just one 24” fluval 3.0 planted light.
I have a lot of fish, so i will brief up the stocking: theres my x1 northern map turtle, he should be 5 this year. x1 striped peacock eel, x2 pictus catfish, around x8 or x10 yoyo loaches, x7 hillstream loaches, x8 black khuli loaches, x1 moonlight gourami, x3 pearl gourami, x1 dwarf blood gourami, about x10 candy cane tetra, x6 lemon tetra, and x4 remaining bloodfin tetra, x1 albino BN pleco, x1 blue eye lemon BN pleco, x1 rubbernose pleco, x2 whiptail catfish, x1 female betta, and probably x35+ large mix of bronze and paleatus corydora i have bred and raised up, also mystery and maylasian trumpet snails.
The aquascape of plants has changed a few times, it used to be jungle full of vallisneria but now it’s mainly crypts. I unfortunately recently forgot a water change causing a lot of the background crypts to melt back and look less dense than it was. But for background crypts theres usteriana, aponogetifolia and some lutea, mid and foreground is a mix wendtiis, pontederiifolia, undulata, mioya and some affinis red. And one large pothos plant hanging out the top.
The aquarium might be considered overstocked, but there is absolutely no aggression and is worry free. Its planted dense enough that majority of the fish can hide and make the tank look pretty empty at times. Everyone told me the turtle would eventually become a problem and that I’d have to separate him but 5 years on and he’s still in the community, probably thinks he’s a fish lol.
Let me know what yall think, i would love to talk fish and answer some questions