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  1. Update, added my oscar about two weeks ago. Every one seems to be doing well! Will continue to monitor as oscar gets bigger.
  2. Elyse


    So my fish are fine.... BUT ALL MY PLANTS ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT USE JUNGLE FUNGUS CLEAR TABS WITH PLANTS; PARTICULARLY VALLISNERIA; SOME OF MY CRYPTS MAY LIVE BUT BARELY JUNGLE FUNGUS CLEAR TABS ADVERTISED THAT THEY WERE SAFE FOR PLANTS.....THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will stick to just kanaplex from now on, as ALL of my tanks are planted as are most of the people's on the forum I'm sure. 😠
  3. Elyse


    Hello, I quarantined these celebese rainbows for a couple weeks and they looked good so added them to my display tank. This tank has had columnaris in the past which I treated with kanaplex but now one of the new rainbows has a light patch on his back. Should I go ahead and treat with antibiotics, if so which one. I have maracyn as well.
  4. So far everyone is getting along pretty well. The jewel is top dog but is only actively aggressive when another fish gets into his bubble. I’ll be adding an albino Oscar soon. Thank ya’ll!
  5. It looks like my jewel cichlid is going to be the slowest grower; he's about 2 inches right now. I can't find a conclusive answer; but do we think he'll be 4 inches by 1 year old?
  6. okay, I'll have to look up how big the other fish will be at one year and go from there...thank you!
  7. I have a 125g set up with silver dollars; a severum, jewel cichlid, and blood parrot. The silver dollars are a descent size already but everyone else is 2-3 inches in size. I know oscars grow very quickly. How long should I wait / how large should tank mates be before adding an oscar? THANKS!
  8. Okay so I finished the last dose of kanaplex two days ago. the 75 gallon looks much better; i lost one panda cory day 1 and one siamese algae eater looked shaky with sores on his back but he looks much better now. I don't see any signs of disease on any fish now but wondering if i should still do another round of antibiotics just to be safe i'm definitely doing another round of antibiotics for the 55 gallon tank; I've lost 3 neon rainbows; the sterbai corys and geophagus look good and are eating well; the remaining rainbows are active, schooling and eating well but...it's hard to tell but i think i still see some white areas around a couple of their bottom jaws. What do we think...
  9. I won't be able to start the jungle fungus clear until next week. The only place I could find it was on amazon and it won't be here until November 8th. I don't want to wait that long to start treatment so I think I'll start a round of just kanaplex and see how it goes.
  10. Sounds good; I think I'm going to have to treat all of my tanks. There was definitely some cross contamination during the move. A banded rainbow in a different tank has the class saddle back patch appearing. 😥
  11. Hey everyone, I just moved a few days ago so the fish are stressed. I noticed on several of the neon rainbows mouths that they have white patches or thickenings? Still eating and active. I've seen something similar on banded rainbows I bought and put in quarantine several months ago and it went away with maracyn. Does anyone know what it is / should I treat with maracyn again?
  12. Hey, I have my new week aqua lights finally set up and running on my 125 gallon aquarium. What settings do you suggest? I'm used to the fluval settings...
  13. I found it, this was super helpful...thank you!
  14. 50 mg/l I use an ex aqua photometer to measure all of my water parameters. Definitely more fire power than I need but I love the chemistry behind it. I am trying to measure my CO2 levels WITHOUT injected CO2 to see if I even need to inject C02 or if there are other variables that may be my limiting factor such as light intensity.
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