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  1. @Colu I just bought this Pleco on Saturday. I didn’t notice the lumps on him but I could have missed them. I noticed the lumps on Monday. I am about to separate him into his own 10g and treat with aquarium salt and go from there.
  2. I noticed my gold nugget Pleco has these strange blister looking things on it near its tail. I see a total of 4 of these on him currently. What is this and what can I do to treat it? parameters: pH: 7.0 GH: 150ppm KH: 80ppm Nitrate: 20ppm Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 Temperature: 76 F
  3. Howdy! I am looking to get into plant keeping and hoping to get some questions answered. The tap water where I live has a high pH, high KH, and low GH. I included a picture of a test strip. I'm worried the pH will be too high for the plants to survive. If this is true, what are the best chems to lower the pH that can be bought by the gallon and is fish friendly? P.S. I'm looking at adding some bacopa carolinia, amazon sword, java fern, anubias, and water sprite.
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