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Posts posted by Dtolb15

  1. On 3/3/2023 at 11:52 PM, mynameisnobody said:

    That’s a nice little score, congrats and good luck. 

    Thanks!! Can’t wait to get just a bit more size on them and be able to grab some good pictures! 

    On 3/4/2023 at 7:05 AM, Lennie said:

    Plecos are adorable. I was so close to get myself super reds! Lemon blue eyes look amazing. I’m still thinking of getting one now and then

    Wishing your fishes a great life!

    P.S: goodluck cleaning the poops! 😄 


    I’ve been tossing around grabbing some reds too! Really on the hunt for 134s! 

    and yes my clown plecos already keep me busy so I know the pain 😅

  2. Picked up some new blue eye lemon plecos! 10 long and 10 short fin, ready to watch them grow!! 

    Best part… I bought from a local breeder who had a fantastic fish room oh yeah and she was wearing an Aquarium Co-Op sweatshirt!! Nerms United!!! 

    Sincerely, so grateful for a great transaction! Not sure if she’s on here… if I find out and with her permission I’ll be sure to tag her!! 






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  3. @CJs Aquatics I've been basically rotating random females between a few tanks. I am not completed committed to line breeding just because the sheer number of guppies I have versus tanks. But regarding the males, I am keeping basically a color range together vs a special detail or exact color. and what feels like at random or when a single tank is too crowded I will sell what I can and move around females if needed. Again, not overly specific or scientific. but as someone just having fun with the process, this method has been giving my great results and a large variety of the mutts that I have been shorting down to little groups. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2/28/2023 at 10:56 AM, Schuyler said:

    What other project fish are you sourcing?

    Do you have an LFS that you sell/trade to? It sounds like you have a good setup for lots of popular stuff.

    I'm picking up at least two new species of plecos Friday, blue eye short and long fin. Also on the hunt for a good group of l134s to grow out and breed. I have my eye on several others at my LFS and online to include rice fish, blue moscow guppies, and maybe some more desirable snails just to name a few.

    And yes I do have a supportive LFS, in fact as a kid, I use to go to the same store with my neighbor when he was spawning saltwater fish. So its been rewarding to "come full circle" so to speak. I was just about a weekly customer there for more than a year before I approached them with my breeding projects. They welcomed me with open arms and we have made some very positive transactions! I am currently only taking store credit from them as I try to build out the fish room an establish the type of breeding and selling model I want to follow. I have also dug deep into local market research and see that there are a few more LFS who would be interested in working together. Although I am being very mindful from a business stand point, I am currently just enjoying the process, not trying to overwhelm myself or take away from my passion and not taking the monetary values too serious just yet.

    On 2/28/2023 at 11:28 AM, Theplatymaster said:

    have you ever been to The Reef?

    i dont know it that's your area of indiana, but its a really great store in Indianapolis, ive been there.

    I have not yet, but do hear a lot of great things about it. Its a bit of a commute for me. As my hobby grows, I really want to get involved with local clubs, one of which being in Indy. Soon I hope to carve out a little time to make the meetings and visits the further LFS. 

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  5. On 2/23/2023 at 9:07 PM, Furbs said:

    Feel like there is going to be a video about this next week. 

    hahaha In the Army we have lengthy "safety briefs"  before going on leave, when at the range... well just about anytime anyone is about to do anything, ever. Anyhow, they are often filled with crazily detailed and specific off the wall things not to do, like to not take selfies with live rattlesnakes... why?? because much like labels on shampoo telling you not to drink it... no one would mention it if it hasn't already been done by someone else! haha!   

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  6. On 2/27/2023 at 11:17 PM, rockfisher said:


    After Hurricane Ian this year there were a few people that claimed to drink water from there tanks. I’m not sure I believe that but some said they did. They do say they boiled it first. I didn’t have water for almost 3 weeks but there was a ton of bottled water around except on the islands in the first few days.

    Back in my Georgia living days I can understand the chatter, but I also too made sure to have a hefty emergency supply... before hurricane season begun! hahah

    On 2/23/2023 at 6:35 AM, The endler guy said:

    So recently I ran out of easy green and I’ve been really missing that sweet sweet taste of easy nutrients and plant growth, but it got me remembering, I dose my tanks and they probably have some concentration of that delicious green ambrosia. So is it safe to supplement my easy green addicti… I mean “craving” by drinking my aquarium water????

    1.) Love this reply 2.) Love your signature! BAHAHAH

    On 2/23/2023 at 9:08 AM, The endler guy said:

    Smart, eat the water lettuce (it’s only poisonous in large amounts!)

    Shoot, we could all grow enough duckweed to end world hunger too!!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 2/27/2023 at 3:51 PM, JJenna said:

    I never thought of putting them in divided containers like you did, thanks for the tip. 

    It is my pleasure. I literally walk into new dollar trees to see what I can find for my aquariums, home and garage. There are some real sneaker must haves lurking in them. I'll have to take some more pictures but I use several of the containers I found there to move, sort and cull fish. I also use a plastic colander and their cheap coffee filters to partially sieve my baby brine before sucking them up and putting them into the silicone mold. Just to name a few but maybe I'll have to start a specific "Dollar Tree Finds/Hack Thread". Last note 😂 If you didn't know the dollars trees, even a few miles apart from another often carry widely different items, that's why I also go to new locations, never know what treasures one has versus another. Okay end of rant! hahaha 

  8. On 2/26/2023 at 11:13 PM, CJs Aquatics said:

    Welcome neighbor (Ohio fishkeeper here). Glad to have you and can’t wait to see what your hobby develops into. I also love all things outdoors and going bass fishing pretty much anytime I can, (keep my pole in the car in case I drive by a puddle that might have them in there) lol) This forum is amazing it has completely consumed me at times, entertained me at others, even saved me on numerous occasions. Nice to meet you, thank you for your service and can’t wait to see more from you…

    You gotta be ready! I moved back to Indiana from Georgia a few years ago. Back in Georgia, I’d fish nearly every lunch break I got! Indiana fishing isn’t as prolific or I’d likely do the same haha! 

    Thank you for your kind works and support! I look forward to follow along with you too! 

    On 2/27/2023 at 12:28 AM, Levi_Aquatics said:

    First of all, thank you for your service and welcome to the forum! I am a fellow fisherman too and enjoy catching bass along with other species of fish native to western Maryland. It looks like your shimp are loving life and doing great, so congrats on that!

    Thank you and I am happy to be here!! Most recently I mainly target bass but grew up catching anything that would bite and haul nets with my grandfather who was a commercial fisherman on the river! 


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  9. Wanted to share my little “hack” 

    1.) I take all nearly expired or extra foods I have laying around and blend them together into a course power. Then mix with a flavor free gelatin and boom! There’s my DIY Repashy. Obviously not my original idea just wanted to give context to the picture. If you can tell by the picture, all shorts of foods are mixed in and is great for my shrimp and community tanks! 

    2.) I hatch out large batches of baby brine and freeze them in a silicone mold. Perfect little treat for the adults and handy if I have an unexpected spawn! 

    3.) I pop out a sleeve of bloodworms in advance to just keep things easier. 

    lastly, I store them in my deep freezer together in these dollar tree containers. During feeding, I bring it along and feed all the tanks! Great way to keep things from melting in your hands or paper towels. Especially for me as I have tanks on two levels of my home. Sometimes they melt and stick together, no worries, a little shake of container and they are loose again! 

    So far I haven’t had any flaws or issues with this system. But if I find a con, I’ll be sure to add an update! 


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  10. Hello and thank you all for this great community! 

    I am Dustin, from Indiana.

    Text book Nerm as I am also a Solider in the Army, about to hit 13 years… 7 to go!!! I’m currently recruiting and may possibly finish my time as a recruiter to better support my family.

    I am too an aspiring professional bass fisherman. My love for the outdoors and fishing has always be intertwined with keeping and raising parts of it in my home.

    Now that’s I’ve settled in an Army assignment that should keep me in one place for more than a few years, I am finally setting up some breeding tanks and to come, a full fish room! 

    I currently keep 6 tanks out in my garage and one in my oldest daughters room. If both weren’t such a mess I’d have a picture to share.😅 Both my girls love interacting with all the aquariums, my 5 year old helps with the maintenance, counts her baby shrimp and variatus fry while my 6m old can just stare for hours as the fish swim by. 

    Currently, I am breeding Sterbais, Mutt Guppies, Blue Dream Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, “Skittle” Shrimp, Platies and more Malaysian trumpet snails than anyone could imagine. I am waiting for a few species of plecos to grow out and currently sourcing some other project fish. 

    Lastly, I am a Aquarium Co-Op die hard, I’ve been a member the last two years and couldn’t be more impressed with the team and again this community. Not sure why I have waiting so long to join the forum, regardless, I am here to stay! I hope to use the forum, the community and social aspect as a resource to aid my mental health, learn a ton and share my experiences! 

    Attached are a few random pictures from around the tanks… next skill to develop… taking aquarium photos 😂

    Thanks again! I am grateful for everyone’s contributions and love for nature! 






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  11. Hey Tyler! I personally don’t know for sure, however, I have plants growing with several cheap light bars from Amazon without issue. I’ve also seen several videos on diy lights and I can’t recall the light bulb itself being so important that I remember what they said about it. I think the difference may end up being how long certain lights need to be on to achieve the result. Sorry that’s not very specific or helpful 😂 just wanted to share that I am having success with cheap alternatives. On the last note, I do notice an obvious difference with dedicated aquarium plant lights. I just don’t have a need to have show level aquascapes in my breeding set ups. 

    Best of luck buddy!! 

  12. On 2/23/2023 at 10:27 AM, Sora said:

    I would add a dwarf aquarium lily. they come as a bulb and if you plant it with root tabs it gets huge and beautiful. it will fill up your tank if you dont trim it and its hard to kill. it even sends up lily pads. 


    I second that suggestion! The dwarf lily adds a nice complement of color and looks amazing!!! 

  13. On 2/25/2023 at 10:46 PM, DavidMoss said:

    That’s the kind of tank they are in now except for algae covered but it’s densely planted,  seeded and kinda dirty but all I’ve read about breeding or videos I’ve watched they want low ph rain water type of setup. Sometimes I think I stress them out too much when catching them to move to a container so I wanted to try a short term tank to give them some time to relax although they stay colored up when they are in the container. I originally had a all clear container but I recently painted 3 sided black and the top with just 1 side clear to look inside but I haven’t had a chance to try them again but I think tomorrow will be the day to try. 

    They took me a while to find and I could only buy 4 at $15 a piece from a fish store 1 hour away and I wanted to breed them so I could stock a display tank with them and maybe take some to my LFS to sell. 

    Yeah, that may be a factor! If you could set up a tank just for them. and triggering a spawn with a large water change? 

  14. On 2/25/2023 at 9:20 PM, KittenFishMom said:

    I wish the photos were better. I bought these 2 un rooted cutting on ebay, organic, from the sellers yard. I loved the underwater roots, so I wanted to share. The lower photo was the day I got them in the mail. The upper one is the roots that grew in the tank. It was resting on the driftwood snaking in the lower photo. ( I think the driftwood looks like a sea serpant.) 






    WOW! That looks awesome! I also love the rooted look, I may have to try this out!!

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