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  1. @mountaintoppufferkeeper any tips on hatching the eggs? my puffers started dropping eggs this summer, every 2-3 weeks. I put the eggs in a container floating in the main tank with a few drops of methylene blue. I've had 4 batches and nothing close to a fry, the eggs always turn white after a few days.
  2. Welp, i can confirm those were puffer eggs but most were either infertile or fungus'ed. Puffers just put out another batch and i can definitely see a good amount of fertile eggs.
  3. Thanks everyone. I split them up into separate containers for clear, cloudy and solid eggs. We'll see what happens. On another note, there's still loads of eggs in the tank, I can't get them all. is it ok to leave them? I figure I'd wait a week or so to see if any life emerges and get what I can with a water change. Its pretty heavily planted so I can't really do a good gravel vac.
  4. No idea what I’m doing. Are these even fish eggs? I have neon tetra and spotted Congo puffers in the tank. Ive read that clear is good and white is bad, but I can’t spot them until they’re white. thanks for any help! Not actively trying to breed by the way. But it would be nice :)
  5. Oh no! I was going to try this to distract my puffer from eating all the cherry shrimp. maybe not..
  6. Got these guys 3 weeks ago. Can anyone sex them? 1-Female? Any reason this one stays lighter in color? 2-Male? This one ate all my cherry shrimp 😞
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