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Posts posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. My Pea Puffers are super interactive. I have 6 in a 29 gallon, and they beg for food like little puppies. This tank is pretty heavily planted, and there’s times that I can’t see a single one of them. However, if I go up to the tank they’ll come out of hiding, check me out, follow my finger around, etc. My Pea’s are fun, but me personally, I’d want a pretty big group in a 40. 

    I focus more on community tanks rather than species only/wet pets, but if I was looking to do a wet pet in a 40 I would consider: a group of Pearl Gourami’s, maybe a pair of Electric Blue Acara’s, or a Flowerhorn, but just like an Oscar a Flowerhorn will eventually need a bigger tank. 

    Just some thoughts. Hope this helps!

    • Thanks 1
  2. To add to what the other have already stated, I believe that shrimp really depend on what your goal is with them. Let your tank get established, no doubt, but once established shrimp can do well in your community tank. Now, if your goal is to breed/trade/sell your shrimp, your population will explode with a shrimp only tank. Shrimp do well in all my community tanks, but I was trading them to the LFS 50-100 at a time from my shrimp only tank. 

    Cheers to your tank and achieving what you want with it!

    • Like 1
  3. I too have done it exactly as @T. Payne said. I’ve let them pair off naturally and then pull the eggs when they spawn. 

    Right now I’m working with a m/f pair that were paired up and breeding at one point, that pair broke, and now I have them isolated to pair up and spawn again. I’m keeping them fat and happy with bloodworms, tubifex worms, and krill flakes and am just biding my time until they pair again. This is my first try with a known m/f and trying to induce them to spawn. 

  4. On 11/24/2022 at 5:49 PM, TeeJay said:

    That's a pretty sweet setup there and I'm sure it didn't cost to much to make.

    Nah, wasn’t bad at all. The beginning of my hobby was super fun coming up with tools and DIY projects to make maintenance more efficient. Sold that set up to a friend that set up a 90 gallon tank and couldn’t use a Python. Was fun to pass a tool that worked well for me to a friend 

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  5. @TheSwissAquarist I haven’t. That was my whole intention, but I’m not even positive I have a m/f pair. 

    I started with a pair of black rams from a LFS. They spawned almost immediately but I was unsuccessful in hatching the spawn as it was my first time trying to hatch eggs artificially. The black rams didn’t do well for me and I lost them shortly after that. 

    I then moved to the Bolivian’s and they’ve thrived for me, but like I said I’m not positive I have a m/f pair. I’ve thought about trading them in to try GBR’s, but I have other fish in the tank that won’t thrive at higher temps so the Bolivians stay and just rock it out. 

  6. Another Wednesday, another day of maintenance. Had to skip last week as my life is crazy right now, but felt good to get back at it today. Not much going on, just maintaining. Did a couple massive trims today, though. Here’s some pics I took today:

    Red Root Floaters turning dark red right under the light.

    Walstad cube got another big trim. This Pearl Weed is taking over!

    Pea Puffer tank got a massive trim on the PSO, too. There’s actually other plants in here!

    Angel gang doin their thing.

    Julii Cory and one of the Bolivian Rams straight chillin’

    • Like 3
  7. Houston, we have a problem. The whole spawn was infertile/unfertilized. I haven’t failed this bad since the first time I tried to artificially hatch a spawn, lol. While I’ll never be entirely sure, I have some theories. 
    1. The “pair” hadn’t actually paired back up. The female was full of eggs, laid them, but the male never fertilized them. 
    2. The pair is indeed a pair again, but again the female laid them but the male obviously hadn’t fertilized them. 

    I noticed the spawn after dinner time, which is the same time I normally see it. The only thing I didn’t do this time was wait until they were just constantly fanning the eggs. I noticed the aggression, saw the eggs, and pulled them. 

    I definitely understand now when Cory says “I can do something 100 times but as soon as I go to show it on the internet it fails” lol. I’m also seeing this as I need to just focus on the Panda pair, and I should start playing with the Rainbows. 

    You win some, you lose some my friends. But we can always try again next time. 

    On a more positive note, I noticed today that the first batch of Endler/Guppies are starting to color up. Excited to see what they turn into as they mature.


  8. @TheSwissAquarist I usually go for about 20. It’s pretty easy to hit up the LFS and say, “I have 20 of X, are you interested?” Vs. I have 200 of X, can you please take them all. 

    I’d pull spawns and raise them up just to give them to the store if that’s how it worked because I enjoy it and am still blown away that I can literally make more fish in my house. The store credit and trying new equipment/foods/fish/hard scape is just an added bonus for me. 

    • Like 3
  9. Home from work today, and definitely have more infertile eggs. 

    You can see a whole section where the ol’ boy missed, but like I’ve said previously it’s all good. I’m not shooting for hundreds of them and these smaller spawns of Angels keep my hobby going for nearly free. They’ll be looking like the batch in front of them in no time 


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  10. First picture taken this morning:


    A couple unfertilized eggs, but it’s all good. That’s exactly what the Methylene Blue is for. 

    The second picture taken this evening, about 24 hours from when I pulled the spawn:


    A few more eggs have turned white and will not produce viable fry, but once again it’s all good. I’m not trying to, nor do I have the space for hundreds of Angels, nor do I have the time to sell all of them. Once again, we wait. Probably 2 more days 👀

  11. I have a pair of Peacocks that spawned for me right after I moved out of QT. I was unsuccessful with the hatch, and I think I know why. I simply used methylene blue and an air stone is a separate container (just like I hatch Angel eggs). 

    The next time they spawn I will try 1 of 2 things. Either leaving the male to fan them in that separate container, or I’ve seen to use a piece of pvc pipe above the eggs with an air stone in it to draw current across the eggs to simulate the male fanning them. 

    I wish I had the “here’s what’s worked for me” but I’ve only had the one attempt so far and botched it, lol. At least I can tell you what not to do. 

  12. From no filter at one end, to canisters on the other end, the only thing I know of that I haven’t played with is canisters. Tanks 10 gallon or smaller have a sponge. 20 and bigger has a sponge and HOB or additional internal filter. HOB’s have a pre filter sponge, and then filled with more coarse sponge and the ceramic media they came with. RARELY have I polished my water, but have played with that. I deal with mulm with shrimp/snails/plants. Works well for me. 

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