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Posts posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. Home from work tonight and still not 30 or so little Cory’s in the tumbler. We’ll check in the morning and again when I get home from work. The good news (told ya I’m a bad news first kinda person) is that the eggs in the tumbler still look good. The two little fry in the Tupperware are kicking and I put a small dash of Hikari First Bites in the container. The 2.5 is set up (with a sponge filter for the first time ever!) and we patiently await these eggs hatching. 



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  2. @nabokovfan87 Ya, for sure. I’m pretty puzzled why I’m having troubles after having a bunch of successful spawns, but it is what it is. We’re playing with nature and that’s just how it goes. 

    I’m excited to add another Cory species, though! I’ve only ever hatched and raised my Albino’s so the opportunity to hatch and raise these Julii’s is exciting. Fingers crossed for some fry when I get back home today!

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  3. You guys want the bad news, or the good news first? I’m a fan of the bad news first, so that’s what we’re doing. 

    Angelfish spawn is all fungused over and dead. Yup. For the second straight time once I’ve been feeling confident and wanted the share with the internet it failed again. My mom used to always say, “if I didn’t have bad luck I wouldn’t have any” and I’m definitely feeling that right now, lol. The ONLY thing I did differently from successful spawns in the past was splitting the nano usb air pump with a T for a second line into the Cory Tupperware. I thought it still had pretty good air flow, but that’s the only thing I can think of that was different. Oh well, the Angels will spawn again. And I’ll try again. And I’ll document again and hope that “third time’s the charm” for the public Angel spawn. Once again taking this as a sign that I should really just wait for the Panda pair again as they’re more worth my time, and also I should just focus on the Cory spawn. 

    So ya, Cory spawn still seems to be doing well. An egg or 2 has fungused in the tumbler, but they’re spaced far enough apart from the others that I don’t believe it will affect anything else. Rolling the dice a bit, but call me crazy for wanting to see what happens. Hoping to have tiny Cory fry in the tumbler when I get home from work tomorrow. 

    The first couple that hatched out are still kickin’ in the Tupperware and seem to be doing just fine. See pics below:



    Didn’t circle these pics, but I promise there’s a single fry in each one!

    Currently water changing about 90% of the Methylene Blue out of the 2.5 the Angel spawn was in as that will now be used to raise the Cory’s. 

    Still thankful for this hobby and all the positives it brings to my life. Still amazed that I can make fish in glass boxes filled with water in my home. Still hopeful and excited for the Cory spawn. Until next time. Cheers. 

    • Sad 1
  4. This is where we stand this morning:


    I can see some little eyes in the Angel eggs. We’ll have wigglers in no time. Besides the completely infertile spawn earlier in this journal, I feel like this has a lot more infertile eggs than normal. This Amazon Sword leaf was pretty crinkly so I believed that to be the main culprit. When the Angels use the slate that’s completely flat I seem to have a higher fertility rate. All good though, I only want about 40 to survive anyways. 

    Julii Cory’s continued to spawn. Single egg on a leaf. Expecting this to get eaten, but we’ll see what happens. 


    Eggs in the tumbler looking good!

    The couple Julii’s in the Tupperware container are still kicking. Saw 2 little fry this morning. Couple of eggs left in there hanging out. 

    I’m hoping the Angels become free swimming at the same time or before these Cory’s hatch out and are ready to move. Hoping to start taking the Methylene Blue out of the 2.5 gallon and begin raising the Cory’s and Angel’s in that same tank. I also have excess small ACO sponge filters from when I upgraded the grow out tank to mediums, so I’ll throw one of them in the 2.5 once I begin feeding. Never used a sponge in that little tank before, but I think it’ll give me some security. Onwards and upwards!

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  5. On 11/30/2022 at 6:22 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Specimen container with an airstone?


    Lol, I have my hands full already with the 57 Angels I moved today, the Angel spawn on the counter, and now the 30 some Julii Cory’s. I have proof of concept through for the Furcata’s so once I open up some space I’ll start playing with them. Gonna just leave the mop in the tank and let them do their thing.

    Feeling like I should’ve stocked up on some 2.5 and 5 gallon tanks from PetCo with their cyber deals. Literally don’t know where I’d put them, though 😂

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  6. Alright Nerms, here we are a couple of hours later:


    The 3 barely hatched Cory’s and the few other (what I believe to be viable) eggs got set up in the Tupperware next to the Angel spawn that’s hatching. Matched tank temperature, set up an additional air stone, and threw in a small clump of Java Moss. Didn’t really want to do this, but it was necessary to free up the tumbler for todays spawn. Will it work? Unknown, but we’ll find out!

    I pulled all the fresh Julii eggs off the glass and then went through the mop. 33 eggs! 


    Tumbler is back in the tank with the 33 new eggs.

    Furcata Rainbows are using this mop as well. I thought about setting up a little Tupperware with no air and a drop of Mthylene Blue to try and hatch these, but I’ve already taken up valuable countertop space with the Angel tank and Cory Tupperware experiment. My girlfriend already puts up with all the tanks and everything I already do, so didn’t wanna push my luck 😅

    Also moved 57 Angels out of the 10 gallon and into the 55 grow out tank. It’s been quite the hobbyists day and I still have a couple of things on the list, and probably another tank or 2 of water changes for tomorrow. Time for an adult beverage; I earned it today! Cheers, Nerms!

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  7. We have our first signs of life in the tumbler!


    Gonna give it another day to see what/if anything else hatches out. I don’t work tomorrow so I have that luxury, and it gives me time to figure out where to put these guys, lol. Normally I’d put them in my 2.5 gallon tank, but that’s being used to hatch the Angel eggs. The trials and tribulations of an aquarist that likes to hatch eggs and raise fish…

    Edit: Took a break from maintenance so my girl could shower, and I’m literally watching these Cory’s spawn and lay more eggs. Let’s gooooo!!!


    Watched these get laid on the glass and took a picture 5 seconds later. Pretty cool to watch this whole process!

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  8. @Cinnebuns Thanks for the tips! I have a mop in with my Furcata’s, and I also have Julii Cory’s in that tank. 2 nights ago I saw Cory eggs on the glass, so I pulled those and put them in a tumbler, and I went through the mop as well. Definitely a few, tiiiiny eggs in the mop which I assumed were from the Furcata’s and you seem to confirm that! I noticed some shrimp in the tank hanging out in the mop, but I wasn’t sure if they were just eating leftover bits of food or if they were cleaning eggs. I knew they would do that, but hadn’t personally seen it with my own eyes yet. I put those eggs in the tumbler as well and we’ll see what happens. 

    Appreciate the Sera Micron over First Bites tip. I have both and definitely planned on trying First Bites, but will now use the Sera Micron assuming these eggs hatch. 

  9. Update: Eggs still look good! I don’t see any fungus and will continue to keep an eye. 



    Also about 95% positive my Angels spawned again. I watched the female fanning the back side of an Amazon Sword leaf and chasing everyone away from that area. I’m too exhausted to set up the hatchery tonight, though. We’ll do that tomorrow before starting water changes and maintenance. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. When I first started this hobby a few years ago I wanted nothing more than to have the dopest colony of Black Metal Lace Guppies anyone had ever seen. Alas, my water is not prime for that species… I tried several times, but soft water just couldn’t do the trick, and I’m not one to alter my water. Maybe one day!

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  11. Alright fish friends, let’s try to hatch some eggs!

    I took my phone flashlight to the spawning mop in this 20 gallon high, and noticed a couple of eggs. After an audible “ahhh!” I noticed some more eggs on the glass. I assume the eggs on the glass are Cory’s, and some of the eggs in the mop might be Furcata Rainbows. Only time will tell. 



    I picked through the mop and plucked every egg I could find. I then pulled the eggs off the glass and added them to the tumbler. 

    Here’s the weird thing: I smelled ammonia while I was picking the eggs off the glass. An API master test later I tested at; .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and ~80 nitrates. The only thing that had changed is my C02 kit ran out of gas a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t been able to recharge. Normally this tank runs <5ppm nitrates. Because of the ammonia, I dosed Fritz Complete and it’s obvious I need to recharge the C02 reactor. If only the company I work for didn’t open another restaurant to the public literally today…

    Eggs are in the tumbler and we’ll see what happens! Fingers crossed for the best of luck, but even if it fails it’s just another opportunity to learn  let’s learn together!



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