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Posts posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. Tank looks great! Kribs are wonderful parents, and with that the number of fish you have can get out of control quickly. Kribs were my first non-livebearers and I learned some valuable lessons with those guys. 

    Also, welcome to the forum! To tag specific people, so they get a notification, simply use the @ and then type a name, and tap the correct name in the list. Mine would be @AllFishNoBrakes

  2. @NanotankBank Ya, I believe the heater is necessary in this one for the CPD’s and because it’s by a window. In my actual shrimp only tank there is no heater in there. If you’re doing shrimp only I would say no heater is just fine. 

    No gravel vac, just water change. 

  3. Here’s my little 6 gallon Walstad cube. 

    Crazy jungle 

    After a trim. 

    Just a heater and a light. Dirted substrate capped with gravel. No filter, no fertilizer, no air pump, and a 20% water change every week. This tank pearls more than tanks I have with c02. Shrimp, snails, and a couple CPD’s. Just over a year old at this point. 

    • Love 4
  4. Agreed that I get more store credit than I would cash. And then anything I want to buy (fish, plants, hard scape, foods, equipment) is essentially free. Works out nicely for me. 

    I try to get 25-30% of what they’re going to sell them for. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t. Today I traded 55 Angelfish at $1.50/fish when I know they’re gonna sell them for $8-10. But I’d rather them take the fish than me be stuck with them. For things I know they sell for more, I ask for more. It all works out and funds my hobby for free, basically. 

    Also, you have to work on the relationship with the store and the crew. I used to shoot off an email and hope they’d take my fish. Now, I know they like what I produce, and I know the manager is going to be like, “we want all of them. Bring them in whenever we’re open”, but it took time to get to that place with them. 

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  5. @nabokovfan87 For sure. They’re incredible lights, don’t get me wrong. If I had a custom tank that was deep and I wanted to invest I’d for sure go with Kessils. The shimmer on them is excellent, they’re obviously top notch, and from an aesthetic standpoint the lights themselves are beautiful. I just don’t think that the average person NEEDS them, especially at the price point they are. 

    • Like 2
  6. Nice! Can’t wait to watch this mature!

    What did you stock it with? I’ve never played with African Cichlids as my water is the exact opposite of what they want, lol. Looks like maybe Frontosa? I assume some kind of Shellies with the escargot shells? Some kind of jewel cichlid in that last pic? Sorry, total newb to the African Cichlid game. 

  7. 55 Angels went off to the LFS today. So thankful my local shop is cool and willing to work with me. When the dude was adding my credit to my account he said, “most people have a tough time making this profitable, but you seem to be doing alright”. Always feels good. That same guy also offered me a job last time I dropped fish off, and today he commented on my Blink 182 hoodie I was wearing: Maybe I’ll run into him at the show. That’d be fun!

    I have the bags, the rubber bands, the specimen container, and Fritz Complete. 2 drops of complete in each bag. Figure if any ammonia were to develop I’d rather have it locked up than not. Also used an air pump to fill up the bags, but idk if I’ll continue to do that moving forward. Just felt more like an extra step, but you never know unless you try.


    These guys definitely have the Panda gene/coloring, but with some yellow.

    All blacks looked dope this round. The guy on the right is awesome.


    Marbled pattern.


    The guy in the left looks like a false Altum. Jealous of whoever ends up with this guy!

    Another 80 bucks in store credit and the grow out tank is ready for the next round. Didn’t come home with anything today, just letting that credit stack up for when I need it. 

    • Like 1
  8. -7°C = 20°F.  20°F sounds like a dream right now! That’s just a cool winter day where I’m from. -14F or -25C where I’m at at right now. Just glad it didn’t  reach -50°F with wind chill like it was predicted. I like the cold, but that’s a whole new level right there!

    • Like 1
  9. Lol, the 2 Smokey guys/gals are staying with me for the long haul. Gonna grow them out some more where they’re at before transitioning to the 55 Angel community. The other 55 Angels (they’re in the divided 55 gallon and I have 55 of them) have spent their time with me and will go to the shop. My journal will most definitely have pics and an update to go along with it!

    • Like 1
  10. @itsfoxtail I appreciate the thought that you think I’m a master and actually understand these genetics; it’s more like “Hey! Fish are breeding; let’s see if I can hatch the eggs” and hope for the best. 

    You may not be wrong on the genetics, but I’m not gonna act like I’m the expert and tell you yes. These are just the offspring from my random pair of Angels. 

    -I have the next batch of Pandas raising up and that’s always exciting. 
    -Tomorrow I take the 55 angels from the marbled/panda mix to the LFS. Keeping these Smokey guys:



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  11. Not sure if it’s a giant coincidence, or if this Arctic Blast coming in last night in conjunction with a water change really does trigger Cory’s to spawn, but I woke up to this today:



    Albino Cory’s went crazy!


    Pulled off a ton of eggs and into the tumbler they go. Also went through the Julii mop and found probably 6 eggs. Yesterday, I noticed the 2 biggest Julii fry have passed. Not sure what happened, so figured I might as well pull what I can and hatch again.



    The countdown to fry starts now!

    • Like 1
  12. @BettaFishCO I don’t use a whole lot of pumps. I keep my fish in community settings, and then when they breed I harvest and hatch the eggs, and then raise the fry. I haven’t done Bettas as I don’t have the space to grow them all out, jar them, etc. 

    My water is soft where I’m at. Just 40 TDS out of the tap. Most of my tanks run right around 70, with the highest tank being at 100. I’m not doing giant scale breeding though, like I said I just harvest and hatch as it naturally happens, like with this Albino Cory spawn I woke up to this morning:



    Julii’s are dropping some eggs as we speak as well. 

  13. Another Wednesday means another day of maintenance and another journal entry. Put in some work today in anticipation of being out of town for a couple days next week and skipping maintenance. Photo dump in 3… 2… 1…


    I’m an Operations Manager for a restaurant group, and one of our GM’s got me this framed original art for Christmas! Totally unexpected and not necessary, but so cool and I’m very appreciative! It’s going up in the office for sure.

    The GM also got me this shirt! Too funny. I’m gonna frame it and hang it in the office as well. I don’t plan on having kids, but I raise plenty of fish. Too good, and again I’m very thankful.

    This tank got a big trim today. The Rotala Indica on the left was basically left to just go nuts for the past 2 years. The plant mass at the surface was so dense it was starting to kill off the plants below it due to blocking out all the light,so today was the day. The PSO on the right also got a big trim.

    Pea Puffer tank looking nice so I snapped a pic. I love that this tank is in my bedroom so I can look at it all the time. 

    55 looking good and no green tint for once. Added some root tabs to the sword in the middle.

    20 gallon high. This tank was also looking fresh with a trim!

    This Angel, and one other just like it will be staying with me. They’re a super dope variant that looks “smokey” to me. They’ll continue to grow out in the 55 here until they’re big enough to join the squad in the main 55 Angel tank. The other 55 juvenile Angels will be going to the LFS on Friday!

    Aponegeton sending up a flower. Has anyone pollinated, seeded, and sprouted from a flower? I’ve had plenty of flowers, but I haven’t seriously attempted seeding and sprouting from one.

    Praecox Rainbow eggs in the mop. Maybe once the Julii’s and the Panda Angels are moved on from the 2.5 gallon tanks I’ll try to hatch some. 

  14. Substrate: You could totally add gravel or whatever you want on top of the sand. The part that makes me nervous is the sand being on the bottom. Plants don’t really do well in sand, but it’s not impossible. I capped sand with gravel and plants have done well but I consider myself lucky. A couple Amazon Swords and an Aponogeton. Here’s a picture showing the gravel on top of the sand:


    Filters: Either A) add the two sponges and run them in conjunction with the HOB and then after 3 or 4 weeks take off the HOB. Or B) Just get one sponge and use it in conjunction with the HOB. My 55 gallon Angel community has a sponge filter on the left, and a HOB in the top right. I like that combo. 

    Fish: Angels and Cory’s are a great combo! I have 6 Angels, 13 Cory’s, and 20 Cardinal Tetras in my 55. I love it. 

    Plants: The sky is the limit. You’ll have to try plants and see what does well in your water. Easy Green and Root Tabs are essential in my opinion. Some plants feed from the water column and some feed from the roots. You’ll have to research the plants you like and understand their needs. 

    Changes: I personally would do the substrate first. I prefer just normal gravel, but that’s just me. I’ve grown insane amounts of plants without aqua soils and the like, but that’s where root tabs come in. Figure out what you wanna do with the substrate and make that change first. Capping the sand shouldn’t disturb your cycle. Completely changing the substrate you should be careful and go light in feeding while the bacteria stabilizes again. Once you’re satisfied with that, then change your filtration. For real, I think just adding 1 sponge and running it in conjunction with your HOB should give you no issues whatsoever. Then, start working on the fish and getting the tank that you actually want. 

    On top of that, don’t be afraid to holler if you have questions! I’m always happy to help 

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