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Posts posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. @jwcarlson I’ve never really thought about the chlorine gassing off sitting overnight. You’re probably right, though. The sole purpose that I let the hatchery sit overnight is that it works with my schedule. Get home from work, feed the fish, and set up the hatchery. The next morning, dump the eggs in before work. 36 hours later when I get home from work again it’s time to harvest. Simply just works with my schedule and I like the 36 hour hatch. 

    Just checked and my lightbulb in the lamp is a 72 watt. 

    I wouldn’t be concerned about feeding the dead ones. I literally freeze 90% of my hatch to be able to feed throughout the week. I fill up my little ice tray and throw that in the freezer. Whatever is left is fed live. I personally wouldn’t be concerned as I don’t believe it was disease or something like it that killed the baby brine. 


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  2. Hey @jwcarlson. I hatch ACO baby brine shrimp once per week, and here’s what I do. 

    -I use the Ziss Hatchery, filled up with water and do not dechlorinate. I’ve heard that the chlorine actually helps them hatch. 

    -My water is suuuper soft, so I put the tiniest dash of baking soda in the water. Seriously, the tiniest little pinch. 2 tablespoons of Fritz Aquarium Salt. 

    -USB nano air pump hooked up to the hatchery. I tone down the air with a valve a little bit so it’s just at a soft roll. 

    -No heater. Instead, I use a clip on lamp with a fluorescent bulb pointed at the heater. Maybe about a foot away. The heat from the bulb takes the place of a heater. 

    -I let the hatchery sit overnight to dissolve all the salt and equalize temperature. 

    -The following morning I dump in 1 tablespoon of brine shrimp eggs. I let that go for 36 hours. 

    -After the 36 hours is up I take down the lamp, turn off the air, and use a different little led clip on light to attract the bbs to the bottom. Let that sit for 5-10 minutes. 

    -Bust out my brine shrimp sieve, open the valve, and harvest the brine shrimp!

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions!



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  3. On 1/17/2023 at 2:58 PM, Gannon said:

    I'm sure my roommates wouldn't love me hogging up more space with this stuff. 

    I’m lucky in that my girlfriend already let me take over the entire house, lol. She’s trying to convince me to get another tank for “her” tank and I’m more like, let’s take this 10 gallon tank that will be empty soon and turn that into your tank, lol

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  4. On 1/17/2023 at 11:57 AM, Gannon said:

    You have any projects?

    Unfortunately, I’m out of both space and time to add anything more. As of now, my community tanks are cruising right along and I hatch and raise out of them what I can. Right now I’m growing out some Panda Angels and some Cory’s. 

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  5. I run small ACO sponge filters in my tiny 2.5 gallon hatch and grow out tanks for fry and have never seen it. Doesn’t mean it has never happened, simply means I haven’t personally seen it with my eyes. 

    If this happened to me, I would chalk it up to my inherited bad luck and consider it a freak accident. If it happened again then I would probably feel differently. 

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  6. I have enough other community tanks that it was fine for me to dedicate that tank to a species only. Personally, I think Pea Puffers are awesome. They have a ton of personality, “beg” for food like puppies, know who you are as the person that feeds them and see you coming, and I get the satisfaction of keeping a puffer (even better a group of them!) without having to worry about needing large tanks as they grow and grinding down their teeth. Also, doesn’t hurt for me to have a source of live food for them in the form of snails from the other community tanks. For me it just made a lot of sense all the way around. 

    In my opinion it was totally worth it and that tank is one of, if not my favorite tank. It was also one of the last tanks I set up so I definitely used what I learned from previous tanks to “scape” it and have it look a little nicer. My Pea Puffer tank is in my bedroom as I knew it would be a tank I wanted to see a lot. 

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  7. I haven’t used the ACO powerhead to do that, but before I had my Python I built this bad boy to pump water from buckets




    The biggest issue that I had to tackle was a pump that had enough power to lift the water, but not so much that it disturbed the tank too much. Plus, I have tanks at different levels on a rack so I needed a little less pressure for one row and a little more for the tanks on the next level above. I liked that this pump was adjustable to tackle whatever I needed, and it was a fun DIY project.

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  8. One of my 29’s has a group of Pea Puffers and the other one has 6 Albino Cory’s, a pair of Peacock Gudgeons, 4 Praecox Rainbows, 10 Glowlight Tetras, a few Marbled Hatchetfish, shrimp, and snails. 29’s are my favorite size as they’re small enough to easily maintain, but large enough to get a rad community going. 

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  9. Hey @Dakotascott71. My personal belief is that you should be able to remove the HOB without issue. You’ll definitely lose some bacteria, but it’s not like you’d lose it all as your other filters hold bacteria, the glass, your substrate, decorations, wood, etc. all hold bacteria. 

    Me personally, I would remove the HOB, and feed a little lighter for like a week, and then slowly increase to previous feeding levels to allow the bacteria to replicate and replace the minimal amount that will be lost by removing the HOB 

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  10. Quality > Quantity. Every single time. Always. Quality always wins. When I first bred my Marbled Angels I wished it was some Pandas that I really wanted. The first time I bred my Albino Cory’s I wished i invested in a Cory species I truly was interested in. Quality over quantity for sure. 

    Me personally, I don’t really learn until I’ve gotten my hands on it. I take what I’ve read and believe and try it out. From there, I adapt and evolve to what works best for me. Reading and hearing from others is a good baseline to start your journey on. 

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  11. Whew! What a day. Major day of maintenance, but some neglected projects knocked off the list. 

    Early this morning my girlfriend and I tore apart the entire 10 gallon aquaponics tray. Basically everything had run its course and it was a long time coming. Her wildflowers had died off, the jalapeño and tomato plants were long gone, the chives were harvested for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, and the strawberries were looking sad. I tore it all apart, and man was that a project. Sooooo many roots were dead and intertwined throughout the entire tray. The tank was cloudy, all the drains were clogged, and it was just a mess. We saved the strawberry plants and everything else was removed. The entire tray was rinsed out including each piece of hydroton and then it was all put back together. Massive water change on the tank and it feels good to have a total reset minus the strawberries that were replanted. I’m excited for the next grow of fruits and veggies out of this tank!


    Also did maintenance on the other 12 tanks including squeezing out all the sponge filters. Filter intake sponges included. Big trim on the Walstad, got a tank ready for the Angel fry, and harvested snails for the Pea Puffers. Just a giant day of maintenance, and I still have to do the fry tanks tomorrow. 

    10 gallon is set up (at 1/2 water level) to receive the Panda Angels. They’re starting to actually look like little Angelfish, so next week they’ll go to their next tank. Albino Cory fry are doing well, and I’m pretty sure I counted a couple Julii fry in with them too. Female Bristlenose is cured of her ailment and back in with the male. 

    Also, the Marbled Angels spawned again today, but I didn’t keep any eggs. The Panda’s are still occupying the hatch/grow out tank, and I think the Panda’s will spawn again soon. Fingers crossed I can start the next hatch when I move the current fry to the 1/2 full 10 gallon next week. 

    Tomorrow I’ll get water changes on the fry tanks and we’ll be set for another week. 

    Water Lettuce taken from the 6 gallon cube Walstad. The roots had grown into the dirt. Crazy.

    Female Pleco cured of her ailment and back in her home tank. Shout out to @Colu for their recommendation of treatment. Worked like a charm and wasn’t anything harsh. Thanks again!

    Panda Angels. Starting to look like little Angels. Couple more days and they’ll be moved to their next home.

    Fresh trim on the Walstad. You can actually see critters in here again!

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  12. I’m a sucker for Dragon Stone and had some success with a mixed bundle off Amazon. It was decently priced, and came with 1 XL piece, X medium pieces, and X small pieces. I was pleased with what I received and felt it was fair for a mixed bundle. Granted, that was like 3 years ago when I was frantically setting up all my tanks. Risk vs. reward for sure, but sometimes the risks pay off!

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  13. Love to see everyone getting their lights and all your tanks! My cheap lights have held strong and grow everything I want them to, but as they die out I will definitely be replacing them with Coop lights. Can’t wait to see how everyone continues to help each other achieve success!

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  14. Hey @Rxhart. While I can’t say for sure why you’re having issues, I can definitely provide my thoughts and what I do. 

    I’ve often wished I had the space to try the tray system! Strange that it’s not working for you. 

    I guess my first question is, what are you feeding the fry, and how often? I feed waaaay below what people say you “have to do” or even “should do” and have pretty good success. 

    Let’s start there and see where we go!


    Also, apologies for the delay in my response. I’m usually much quicker; work has been insane. 

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