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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. Hey @Robin . Sorry you had that experience! My understanding is that the higher the temp, the less oxygen the water holds. I run air in all my tanks, and especially at that high of temp I would definitely run air stones. Meds definitely cloud up the water, and it is always recommended to run air when using meds. If I was in your situation, and was concerned about parasites, I personally would do 1 round of Paracleanse (with air stones, per the instructions on the box) and then give them a couple of weeks off. From there, you could consider something like lavamisole if you wanted to further deworm. Simply my $0.02. Best of luck to you moving forward!
  2. I add the tiniest little dash to my Hatcher per I think it was @Irene as we are in the same area and it works great. Good tip!
  3. @NanotankBank My first recommendation would be to feed less. I’ve had populations boom which told me I was feeding too much, and when I cut back (over time, obviously) I have tanks that have very few ramshorns now. If you want to get a predator to help with the situation you’ll have to consider the other inhabitant. My Pea Puffers demolish snails so that’s how I deal with them when they get out of control (snails get fed to the Pea Puffer tank). I’ve never actually seen my puffers eat shrimp, but over the six months I kept shrimp with them the population declined where it should’ve exploded. I’ve never kept assassin snails so I can’t comment on them. Just my two cents on the other factors though!
  4. @Schuyler While I don’t know how old they need to be to hit maturity to be able to breed I would guess that a couple months old is too young, and I’ve never rushed it with any of my fish. I get them, i quarantine them, I move them to their home, and then I feed them up and enjoy them. When they start breeding, then great! I’ll start collecting eggs and attempt to raise the fry at that point.
  5. @Schuyler Great question. I actually got this group from Aqua Huna. I just searched my email and they were delivered on 4/20/22. They came in super tiny, so I’ve spent the last year feeding them up and raising them.
  6. @nabokovfan87 I have 3 types of Cory’s. I have the Albino’s, the Julii’s, and the Pygmy’s!
  7. When I was first setting up my tanks a couple years ago I was certain an alien betta would be in one of mine. After keeping a couple betta’s, I’m not really sure betta’s are my thing lol I will say that short-finned bettas are much more up my alley and seem to have less issues in my experience and with everything I’ve seen online. Makes sense as they don’t have those giant fins that are always tearing and getting infected.
  8. In all honesty, the usb nano air pumps are so cost effective that I’ve never had to use 1 to run multiple filters. That being said, I wouldn’t hesitate to use a T airline splitter and run 2 sponges with 1 nano air pump for a short period of time. You only need a little bit of air to keep the water circulating to keep the bacteria alive. I wouldn’t do this for a long term solution, but for a bandaid I wouldn’t think twice about it. Also, if that doesn’t work or you simply don’t want to rush to set up that 20 gallon, there’s no harm in recycling the tank/filter. As long as you know what you’re doing, have the time, and have the patience it’s not a big deal at all.
  9. You guys like fish? I like fish. Specifically, I really enjoy making more fish. Breeding going crazy over here! Just wanted to give y’all a little update. Julii Cory eggs all over this sword And a few more on the glass. Fry doing really well in the box, too. Panda Angels spawned again. Time to start raising the next batch. Couple pieces of wood picked out for the inevitable 20 long blackwater swap. Paid for these pieces in store credit so that’s always fun. Literally so much breeding going down, but I feel like I have a good plan for it. -Current Panda Angel batch is going to be moved to the 55 grow out in the next week or 2. -7 Albino Cory’s and 3 Julii will probably just be moved to the home tanks. It’s going to be an experiment to see if they’re big enough to survive, but obviously I believe they are or else I wouldn’t do it. -Panda eggs will be hatched and will begin growing up in the 2.5 they’re currently in -Moving the 10 Cory’s to their home tanks will free up the other 2.5 and will allow me to try to hatch some Pygmy Cory’s! I’m through the Super Bowl so I really wanna try something new. -Pleco’s will continue to grow out in their 10 gallon they’re currently in. Really looking forward to moving some things around so I can try my hand at Pygmy Cory’s, and really looking forward to selling some things off to boost that store credit. I’m hopeful that I can set up my girlfriends shrimp tank and my 20 long blackwater (livestock, at least) for basically free using my existing and future store credit. Time will tell! Cheers, Nerms. Hope you’ve had a wonderful day.
  10. I’ve never done it but I’ve heard things will begin to revert back to “wild type” coloration, or a brown color. You have to cull for even a single color to keep that line strong. Me personally, I would stick to one color and keep that line as strong as possible.
  11. I personally am not a fan of the large sponge as I find it hard to get into a bag without fluffing a bunch of mulm off into the water column. For that reason, I would personally use 2 mediums. For tanks 10 gallons and smaller I use just a small sponge filter. For 20 and up I like a sponge filter on one side and a HOB on the opposite side. I like that I always have air via the sponge, multiple water circulation points, and I can alternate cleaning filters without worrying about breaking the seasoning on the tanks.
  12. I don’t remember exactly. I bought it on Amazon like 3 years ago and have since sold it to a friend. I made sure the pump was rated to lift water from the ground to the top of my tallest tank (~7’). From there, I made sure the pump was adjustable (on the front it had a dial for less or more water and therefore less or more pressure/lift), and the outlet had several different sized barbed fittings so I could use whatever size tubing/pvc I wanted.
  13. If it was me, I would do a small layer of gravel (maybe), floating plants, and then just huck some cherry shrimp in there. They’ll breed up a storm and you’ll have the never ending gobstopper of cherry shrimp at your disposal. Like Cory said, hopefully it doesn’t bow too much when filled with water.
  14. I can’t say for sure what is going on with your fish. I used Expel-P because one of my angelfish actively had Camallanus Red Worms.
  15. I used Expel-P a few weeks ago and had no issue with the tons of snails in the tank and the giant PSO
  16. Exactly. Hence why you gotta shake that bad boy!
  17. Agreed with the others that not following the nitrate instructions EXACTLY as they’re written is most likely the problem. I made the same mistake when I first started. Shake bottle 2 HARD for 30 seconds before putting in the 10 drops. Shake the test tube HARD for 1 minute, then let sit for 5 minutes. Hopefully you’ve done just a test or 2 out of that new kit. If you have to replace the kit (again) I would replace just the nitrate test as that can be bought separately.
  18. My Furcata’s are super fun. Every time my girlfriend sees them in the fish store she’s like, “We should get some of those!” And I have to gently remind her that we already have 3 pairs of them, lol
  19. Right now I have about 50 Panda Angels, all from the same spawn. The majority are getting around the size of a dime with some being a little bigger and some a little smaller. I was looking in that tank the other day and noticed 1 that’s barely even starting to look like and Angel. It is so tiny compare to the rest. The bigger fish are probably outcompeting it for food, hence it being way behind the others.
  20. I’ve had my small pieces for 2 years and they’re still going strong.
  21. @A3M0N it’s all good! My mom is a nurse and I know how taxing working in that field can be. We all have our escapes! I know tank maintenance and daydreaming of my next tank helps me with getting through the day. Best of luck with your relaxing desktop tank! @EleanorM that tank looks fun! My CPD’s are impossible to photograph as well. Pictures don’t do them justice. It’s definitely in the works! If this hobby has taught me anything it’s to be patient. All in due time!
  22. @A3M0N Lucky you! I’m lucky I don’t work from home. My “office” would just be a room full of tanks with the minimal amount of space necessary to complete my work, lol.
  23. @CJs Aquatics Nice! A brine shrimp culture would be fun. I’ve heard Cory talk about it but haven’t looked into it. Not sure I have the space/time/energy to dedicate to that but man would I love feeding live foods everyday @A3M0N Heck ya! I’m only in the office 2 days per week. If/when I’m ever in the office 5 days per week I’ll most definitely have a shrimp tank on my desk. Sounds fun!
  24. My initial thought is that most plants and most fish would prefer some minerals/salts. I don’t think this would be a problem/I’m not sure how you would actually trace this to being a problem. Considering it was Guppies that passed, they shouldn’t have an issue with minerals and/or salts. Maybe some buckets got mixed up? Maybe there’s an external factor/contaminant that entered the tank? Is there any other inhabitants besides the Guppies in the tank? I’m trying to figure out if other inhabitants were unaffected or if it was just the Guppies in the tank and all of them had the issue.
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