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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. the pictures won't load for me. if you click the choose files right next to the paper clip at the bottom right, you can upload them here and we can have a better look.
  2. Hey all, after watching the KG Tropicals stream, I decided I wanted to hatch some brine shrimp out. Only problem is what eggs should I get, I can't get the co-op eggs because I live in Canada and they don't ship to me. What brineshrimp eggs have you had the most success with?
  3. I don't know whats wrong with your fish. But what i can say is to not treat with ich x that will ony be for the worst. Its probably not ich if you only see one white spot. Fish don't alwyas react well when you treat with meds when they are not sick with the specific disease.
  4. Thats very cool, I have never seen that!
  5. I have a pleco or some kind of algae eater in my tanks, so I don't have much algae.
  6. FrozenFins

    Fin rot..

    Go with the aquarium co-op measurement
  7. not sure what could have happend. you parameters seem fine for an angelfish. These deaths happen where their fine one minute and the next mintute their dead. He probably didn't have a disease if he was fine and eating healthy the day before. Angelfish have been knows (especially wild caught ones) to run into the glass and kill themselves, idk if that was the case, it could have been. It could also just be old age, angels live to 5 years ish. If you got him from a store you wouldn't know how old he was unless he was a baby.
  8. I think you'll be fine with pygmys. Just keep your water at 80 degrees farenheit.
  9. its your personal prefernce. if you don't want GBR just do the 6 bolivian rams. or the electric blue rams and bolivian rams
  10. true. @EpicFish73You shouldn't do panda corys because these cichlids will thrive in a tempteture like 80F. Do sterbais instead or another type of cory.
  11. Kind of, the only differnece is that Fritz Maracyn is more effective in my opinion. Also treat with aquarium salt.
  12. I would do instead of 6 Bolivian Rams, 3 Bolivian Rams, 3 German Blue Rams. But thats only because I love GBRs
  13. It depens your stocking. I have a 36 Gallon with spongefilter with no airstone. If you see the fish gasping you can add a airstone, yes you could in the filter. If i'm not mistaken the Fluval Flex has an internal filter, you could lower the water a bit past the outake and that will cause more oxygen in the water, but also very noisy. I would start with out airstone, and as you add fish and you see the fish may need oxygen, add an airstone.
  14. yes aquarium co-op has a inperson store in Edmonds, Washinton.
  15. welcome to the forum! your bettas are gourgeous! especially your female!!
  16. You would usaully do waterchanges when you test for nitrites or a high amount of nitrates. Its cool that aquarium has replicated the wild in the sense that there is no filter or very little waterchanges.
  17. I have been looking for honey gourami, I totally forgot about aquahuna. lol.
  18. I have angelfish cardinal tetras female swordtail honey gourami
  19. Hey all, one of the first fish I owned was a corydora, I loved him so much. He later died when my aquarium bursted. Unfortanlety i didn't know they liked to have friends. Fast Forward a few years. And here I am now with a 40 Gallon Community Aquarium, I NEED corydora in this tank. Only question is which kind? I really like the, sterbai or the bronze. But I really don't know what I want, any suggestions?
  20. Who else is excited 2020 is finally over!! I know i am! with 2021 almost here, I'm wondering what perdictions we may have as what will gain popularity in the aquarium hobby in the next few years. Here are my peridictions: -Jarariums will gain lots more attraction -Terariums/ Paladariums will gain more attraction with fish keepers (turtles especially) -Shrimp, are allready popular but I beleive that this invertibrate will only gain more attraction. -More Planted nano tanks. -Ponds (indoor or outdoor, but especially indoor).
  21. we all know chris watches anime, lol
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