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Macho Dolphin

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  1. I appreciate u taking the time to look this over! Ive been keeping a close eye on it and today it seems better. I did have 1 rummy nose tetra for about 4 days in the tank with them and it possibly could have been him and ive never noticed till now.
  2. Hey Fishkeepers, I've had my little dudes for about a week now and it seems that the yellow fish (Chester) fins look "jagged" or transparent towards the end. Is this the start of Fin Rot? U can see in the second picture a little piece of his fin is hanging. Never had this in a tank before. The water parameters are great. I cleaned the tank and cleaned the HOB filter today. Not sure if they could be nipping each other's fin as they swim around one another very close and chases each other's butts around. Thanks -Macho Dolphin
  3. Thanks, guys much appreciated. They seem to rub up on each other from time to time and follow one another in circles taking turns lol. Ill be keeping a close eye on them.
  4. Hey Fishkeepers, I just got 2 Oranda goldfish yesterday as seen above. Do they keep chasing each other around and rubbing up against one another? Does this mean they are already mating? Or am I overthinking this? Also, the Orange Oranda hasn't eaten much of the floating I got from the same local fish store. Never have I had this behavior in a tank before. Thank you! Macho Dolphin (Not sure why the image rotated when its in the correct aspect ratio)
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