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  1. oh, I am with you on the water line. it's just that my first priority is the safety of the thing.
  2. Thanks for the reply and the welcome nabokovfan87 (Nabokov was awesome), Thanks as well for sending the video - I think the major difference between my situation and that one (aside from his tank being absolutely massive!) is that all 4 corners of my tank are in contact with the stand (his was lifted in one corner causing quite a bit of torque as I understand it). I can slide about 4 or 5 pieces of printer paper in the gap between the stand and center rim. The tank is not on a pad. My understanding is a pad under a trimmed tank can actually cause problems. The stand has no "legs" per say, but a rectangular frame of 2x4s in contact with the floor. That frame is connected to the stand top by 10 supporting 2x4s (2 in each corner and one center support front and back). thanks very much! In your opinion, how important is it that a rimmed tank is level? I have heard it is less important than the surface being true (which mine doesn't seem to be anyway! lol).. but then I've also read that as long as all four corners are in solid contact, I should be fine. It's all very confusing for this noob.
  3. Hi all, I constructed my first stand for a 75G rimmed tank. It was level when I checked before adding water, but after filling the tank, I noticed two things: 1. Uneven water line (about 1/4") to the front left corner. 2. the middle front and back of the tank is not touching the 3/4" plywood top of the stand; there is less than 1/8" of space. Corners are all touching. Can I/should I shim the front left the corner with the tank full? And do I need to do anything about the middle rim? I have read mixed info on both. Thanks in advance.
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