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Posts posted by Tropicalfishkeeping201

  1. On 8/15/2022 at 11:10 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Maracyn which is similar to E.M. Erythromycin (from API) is the one i have from ACO as a part of their med trio.
    Maracyn 2 is a bit broader spectrum, but there is no guarantee it'll work more or less effectively against what you're treating for.  If the med you have is showing good signs, continue use.  If things worsen, that's when you would change medications.  If you can for any fish with swim bladder issues, try to use a breeder box so the fish can be closer to the water surface and have less pressure on their swim bladder.

    Thank you so much! I posted a picture of the med I have of Maracyn. I'm currently treating with Kanaplex and focus but he doesn't want to eat so it isn't helping but now I'm going to try both Fritz Maracyn and Ich-X

    How much Epsom salt should I use?

    Screen Shot 2022-08-15 at 2.06.09 PM.png

    On 8/15/2022 at 11:10 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    My apologies, missed the quote! Please see above.

    No need to apologize, you are a big help! 🙂

  2. On 8/12/2022 at 1:50 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

      I would treat with Maracyn + Ich-X to cover both primary and secondary issues.  It is just how I generally use Maracyn, whenever I use it, I would use it with Ich-X.  Typically with salt as well.

    Which Maracyn do you use? I have Fritz Maracyn Provides relief from bacterial infections? Will this work? I currently have a Gourami that is experiencing Dropsy right now, its very bloated, it struggles to swim, and it doesn't want to eat. 

  3. On 8/14/2022 at 9:57 AM, tolstoy21 said:

    I wont to claim to be an expert at sexing super reds (especially younger fish), but I can share some pics of a male / female pair I have at the moment (I have another female and she looks exactly like the female the pics below).

    The key differences I notice between my male and females are as follows:

    • The male is maybe larger than the females. If I were to guesstimate, I'd say its larger by maybe 30-40%.
    • The male is the only one I have to exhibit the purple coloration along the base of the dorsal. 
    • The males tail is much more vibrantly colored.
    • The dorsal and anal fins in the males are much more exaggerated (as is typical many apisto species).

    Again, this is just what I've observed in I'm my current trio. 

    I have some fry growing out, but I just haven't spent enough time to feel confident I've mastered sexing agassizi variant.

    Ok now for some pics (taken moments ago).


    IMG_8015 2.jpg

    IMG_8018 2.jpg

    IMG_8019 2.jpg

    What type of apisto


    On 8/14/2022 at 9:57 AM, tolstoy21 said:

    I wont to claim to be an expert at sexing super reds (especially younger fish), but I can share some pics of a male / female pair I have at the moment (I have another female and she looks exactly like the female the pics below).

    The key differences I notice between my male and females are as follows:

    • The male is maybe larger than the females. If I were to guesstimate, I'd say its larger by maybe 30-40%.
    • The male is the only one I have to exhibit the purple coloration along the base of the dorsal. 
    • The males tail is much more vibrantly colored.
    • The dorsal and anal fins in the males are much more exaggerated (as is typical many apisto species).

    Again, this is just what I've observed in I'm my current trio. 

    I have some fry growing out, but I just haven't spent enough time to feel confident I've mastered sexing agassizi variant.

    Ok now for some pics (taken moments ago).


    IMG_8015 2.jpg

    IMG_8018 2.jpg

    IMG_8019 2.jpg

    What type of Apistogramma are these?

  4. On 8/13/2022 at 11:20 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

     Always happy to help!

    I would expect PH to drop slightly, but it looks like pretty good water to start with.

    Oh, that's good to hear, I'm going to test my water like you mentioned in your previous post, again Thank you for your help! 🙂

    On 8/13/2022 at 1:11 PM, _Eric_ said:

    You seem to be in a pretty good range.  Ph can swing throughout the day but a point would be a big swing.  Your kh is low-ish but I wouldn’t expect it to cause your ph to swing that much.  Could be low in CO2 out of the tap so if you do the aeration test you would know if that is happening.  

    Otherwise, your organics could be high as your tank sets up and plants go through initial melting etc.  

    after that I wouldn’t expect it to go up too much unless it is right after water change.  So you could limit the % you change at one time.

    or you could increase kh with a wondershell or something 

    after that I’m out of ideas 😆 

    Thank you so much for helping, really appreciate it!

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/11/2022 at 11:35 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I would recommend doing what is called an off-gassing test.  Essentially water comes out of the faucet and it "stabilizes" in a certain fashion based on some things being released and some things remaining in the water.  There is a variety of parameters at play and to fully understand what is going on here, the best method is this test:

    1.  Take a sample of water from your faucet, test it for everything you can.
    2.  Aerate the sample of water for 24 hours with an airstone, restest everything that you can.
    3.  Compare the results from #2 to your tank parameters.  When you do a water change, the ultimate changes you're making are going to be based on parameters from test #2, not really from test #1.

    Also of note, this post is very good at explaining what's going on and why you're seeing PH change (potentially)

     Not at all! Happy to help 🙂

    Thank you so much for this, this is really helpful! I will definitely do this test, again I really appreciate your help! 🙂

    On 8/12/2022 at 4:46 AM, _Eric_ said:

    Amanos with neos isn’t a problem in my view.

    the ph swings can be a problem- what is your ph out of the tap?  have you tested gh and kh?


    Thank you for replying! I have to retest my tap water again because its been awhile since I last tested it but these were the water parameters out of my tap: Ph: 7.6, GH: 143.2 ppm and KH: 89.5 ppm 

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/11/2022 at 10:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Amanos you can keep on anything from gravel to specialty planted substrate. Neither one is best.  Depending what your water parameters are you can use a soil substrate to lower PH if you need to.  Typically this isn't an issue.

    I would not mix amanos with neos.  I would keep one or the other.  One tank, have the amanos, in the other have the neos.  If your focus is on a shrimp tank, have a shrimp tank! But you'd have one species do not as well if they were mixed together.  They don't really, and shouldn't compete or eat eachother.  It's more about the difference in care.

    Thank you!

    I notice sometimes my PH is low around 6.5-6.8 and other times its around 7.4-7.8. What can I do to keep the water parameters stable for a shrimp tank. I heard they are sensitive to Ph swings. 

    Sorry for all the questions, I'm new to the hobby so I do not have that much experience. I really appreciate your help and to everyone who has replied to this post 🙂

    • Like 1
  7. What soil is safe and good for shrimp and to start a planted aquarium? I wanted to do a planted aquarium with Amano shrimp and neocardina shrimp.

    Also is it safe to mix these two shrimp together in a 5 or 10 gallon tank


    Thank you in advance

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/11/2022 at 7:46 PM, _Eric_ said:

    Yes - that will work fine.  If you have any fish shops around you they should have some or there are some decent online places.  Aqua Huna has a good reputation for quality and customer service but I have not ordered from them before.

    Thank you so much! I will check out this website

    On 8/11/2022 at 6:33 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I recommend keeping amanos with EVERYTHING except for what will eat shrimp.  Amanos are awesome.

    I have been getting mine from aquahuna.  When they say small, it's small. You get more, so that's cool but just expect some molts up front 🙂

    Also.... WELCOME!  Forgot that bit 🙂

    Thank you for replying! I will look into this website

    • Like 1
  9. Hello everyone,

    Do you guys recommend keeping Amano shrimp with livebearers and two Gouramis in a 30 gallon tank?

    If yes, does any one know a good place to purchase Amano shrimp?


    Thank you in advance

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