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  1. What to do when fry are dying because of microworms. My Polar blue parrot fry getting really weak atm and i dont know what to do.
  2. I found out that they die from microworms. i just fed them and i see they are falling out and getting weak what should i do?
  3. I found out why a few died. I cleaned the sponge filters too well. I immediately changed 80% water and added baco turbo. tonight again water change of 50%. earlier when a few had died I had also changed a lot of water. thanks for your tips!
  4. Thank you very much for your message. I really appreciate this information. I will check everything when i get home from work. How many times Should i feed the fry. (sorry for my bad English) im from Holland.
  5. My fry are dying one by one. I removed removed the fry 2 days ago from their parrents because they finished brood care. Is it possible due water changes? My heater stands on 24*C/75F and i change water with 20*C/68F (dripp) im feeding self made BBS ice cupes. I dont defrost them before. I also feed pellets
  6. Dear fishkeepers, can you get higher quality shrimp from lower quality shrimp? and select cultures from there to get high quality like SSS? greets Pieter
  7. Im feeding BBS/Color quality pallets/mosquito larve/blackworm/tubifex/daphia/fronzen BS/ I breed these. Its gone now. But when i catch them to sell the finrot start.
  8. Dear fishkeepers, I have grown rasbora galaxy and want to sell them. Now i see one has a bit of fin rot. They are difficult to catch and that is of course stressful for the fish. How do you guys deal with this? you can only see it with good LED lamp. greets Pieter
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