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Lynn B

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  1. Do you think it's contagious? I would like to put him back in the main tank, or should I just humanely put him down? He's not suffering, eating and swimming well.
  2. Every time I try to reply to this question it disappears...the growth is not fuzzy at all, looks like a solid mass and wondering if it's not contagious?
  3. My water is perfect, I hope I can attach this photo, not a good one, he wouldn't hold still..LOL
  4. One of my long fin white clouds has a growth near his eye, but it is not on his eye. It looks a bit like a wart, doesn't seem to bother him, but does me. I have isolated him and treated him with Maracyn, but no change, could this just be a harmless growth or should I try something else. Thanks.
  5. I just lost a beautiful male betta to what I consider a freak accident, but now when I think about it...maybe my fault. I have cholla wood in my tanks, and this male betta swam into the hole on one side and got stuck and died. Very sad, and when I think about it, it could happen easily, so now I will be blocking any holes large enough for any fish to get into before I put it in the aquarium. Hope this helps someone else not have this happen. He had been living in this tank with the wood for over a year.
  6. Hello from Carlsbad, New Mexico. I am a 76 year old lady who kept fish for many years from 1970 until 2004. I was very much into my hobby, breeding some fish, working and managing a tropical fish department in Nebraska and Alaska. I recently got back into the hobby, with a 50 gallon acrylic tank and two 5 gallon tanks, and I'm already wanting more, but can't keep up anymore. There is NO place to buy fish or supplies here in Carlsbad, so everything I have done has been by mail, so a bit of a challenge. I am amazed at the huge change in knowledge and access to knowledge since I had aquariums years ago, it is fascinating to this old lady. I will probably not be able to share much, since I probably will not be able to get more aquariums, but I will love reading and hearing about all of your adventures, and wishing I could participate more.
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