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Posts posted by Pepere

  1. I have been pleased with my non co2 17 gallon fish bowl. 

    I have it free from visible algae which I am thrilled with.  I have mostly easy plants, crypts, anubias, java fern, bacopa, ludwigia repens, hornwort, water lettuce , s repens…


    growth is noticeably slower, but in the case of Lrepens, that is not a bad thing…image.jpg.9dc5ea6afc07abc474d4ae0e16f104f8.jpg

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  2. I would imagine some sort of co2 bell so bubbles dont just escape to the surface…


    I can say, the Co Ops Easy Flow kits give amazing flow for air driven filtration.  I have retrofitted them with adapters to Penn Plax type UGF plates, and they also friction fit over medium size Lee’s triple flow box filters.

  3. I tried the organic miracle grow.  By the time I seived it and threw out all the parts that wouldnt go through the screen I discovered I was not saving anything over simply buying aquasoil…


    I put some in mesh bags strategically placing them as rolled up sausages…. 

    If you ever pull it up the aquasoil in mesh bags comes out clean and still as round sphericals.  The miracle grow is goopy and oozes out of the bags…


    never doing the miracle grow bit again…


    I have used the aquasoil in bags rolled up, but when I see @Mmiller2001 and his results with pool sand and no root tabs, I scratch my head and wonder why bother…


    Last tank I did I used well rinsed Safe T Sorb in mesh bags in areas I wanted to build height, and capped it with a good 2 inches af Black Diamond Blasting sand and didnt bother with aquasoil.   

    Honestly, I cant really see a difference in results, but it is nice to plant wherever I want and not hit a mesh bag of aquasoil…


    When excavating mesh bags of soil it is clear though that roots migrate to it…

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  4. Here is a daughter plant I am growing in a non co2 injected 17 gallon fish bowl..



    It is growing pretty well for low tech.  This bowl is entirely air driven filtration, a modified ugf plate with an easy flow fit adapted to it and a medium sized Lee’s Triple flow box filter also with an easy flow kit.


    the Easy Flow Kits give incredibly flow for air driven…. When I feed the fish you can see the flow transporting the food.


    The box filter is there for mechanical filtration and with the flow it works incredibly well.  I use polyfill and it is full of brown gunk by the end of the week,,  No mulm on tank bottom with this setup either.  I used to use a turkey baster originally to help clean the substrate on water changes,,, since adding the Lees with easy flow, nothing gets washed up from the substrate when using the turkey baster…

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  5. Fwiw, I run fluval 207 on my 29 gallon tanks with a spray bar on the back flowing across the top, down the front and back up.  I have 6-7 green emerald cories that stir stuff back up in to the water column with their movement allowing filter extra chances to get stuff.


    I dont gravel vac.  I dont have visible mulm on the substrate, I dont have dead spots…

    my tanks are fairly densely planted.


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  6. I would imagine a spray bar across the back of the tank  under the water surface aimed at the front of the tank would tame the flow for nano fish nicely without having to throttle it down.  

    diffusing the flow rather than throttling it.

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  7. Fluval recommends cleaning and lubing the O ring monthly and changing it yearly on the 07 series.


    I keep spares of the o ring, impeller, hoses, and aquastop valve on hand just in case…

  8. I am not much a fan of ghost feeding myself as you have to wait until it decomposes to make ammonia. And you are left wondering how much to add…

    The ammonia drops is simple.  Add the drops per gallon it states on the label.  You have ammonia…. Of a known amount…

    Ammonia is the food the bacteria will need to grow to make nitrite, then you need to wait for nitrite to nitrate bacteria to establish and grow… and that one is slower to grow…

    I personally do not have much confidence in Seachems nitrate reduction claims of their matrix. Product.  

    My personal belief is you simply do not have sufficient “food” ammonia to start the cycle..

    I dont have any confidence that bacteria in a bottle products do much more than lighten your wallet and enrich the marketers and sellers… but lots of people swear by them.  The most they will do is save a little time, the worse they will do is cost you money with no benefit..  I know Iwill never be spending money on them again….

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  9. I watched Blippi in French and in German fir giggles.


    I have to say that the production company did a very good job with voice actors to dub in the languages.  The mannerisms and inflections in the language match the video fairly well.


    It sounds like I would expect Blippi to speak in French


    To be honest listening to Blippi in French would be a great way to build fluency fir beginners asit is geared to kids with simple words…

  10. I would ensure light photo period is limited to 8-9 hours total.  On some lights that change color and intensity over time this is nigh unto impossible…. That is why on my Finnex planted plus I use a customized color spectrum setting and control the dimming and time period by a nicrew inline timer.

    I would  eliminate the blue “moonlight” settings except for relatively shorter periods you are using it to enjoy the tank when main lighting period is over.

    But by the same token light settings are not the holy grail of algae control…

    reading, re reading, studying and implementing information on the 2 hr Aquarist website was a breakthrough on Algae control for me.



    the tank and substrate cleaning, filter servicing, plant trimming, flow, waterchanges, maintaining stable nutrients and hardness, etc are all important too…

    Plants alter their physiology to optimize for existing conditions. This causes growth to slow as energy is diverted to optimize.  In a Co2 injected tank this takes about 10 days.  On a non injected tank it can take longer, up to 6 weeks…. If you alter conditions again before plants optimize, you start the clock again…


    once plants are optimized to stable and good conditions, they tend to grow well and defend themselves well against algae and suck up nutrients.   New growth tends to be optimized, old growth covered by Algae is probably not going to recover.  It is probable being sacrificed by the plant..  trimming and removing those leaves removes algae that will not seed more algae…stops leaching waste organics that algae likes to feed on, allows better circulation of nutrients and flushing of waste organics, allows better light access to other plants etc,…


    Youtube presenters make it sound as easy as reduce your lighting and or nutrients.  Ie two levers to control algae.  Reality is that there is a whole lot more that can help…



  11. Cycling a tank without introducing cycled media generally took me about 6-8 weeks to get it to the point where it could metabolize a 2 ppm challenge dose of ammonia to 0 ammonia, o nitrites in 24 hours.


    It takes time for the bacteria colony to grow and mature. It would metabolize a 2 ppm challenge to 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite reliably, but not in 24 hours.


    Putting fish in now isnt going to speed up the process of that bacteria colony establishing itself and maturing.  It is still going to take several weeks.  It will make checking ammonia and nitrite levels and doing frequent water changes much more important.

    Bear in mind also that if you decide to treat the tank with quarantine meds, where the biofilter is so young, the beneficial bacteria could very well get wiled out by the meds.  I have had that happen to me.

  12. Bear in mind, when I say this generator can keep a fridge cold, that is if you have a typical freezer on top unit under 20 or so cubic feet that was made within the last 10years or so.


    One of these will consume roughly 1.5 kwhr per day and about360 watts when the motor is running.  The generator has sufficient starting wattage to start one of these.  If you have a large double door sliding drawer  model, you might need a bigger generator…

  13. On 4/14/2024 at 6:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    There's also preference too. I tend to run a particular setup and higher flow demanding fish, but that comment and recommendation is something that was posted elsewhere and made a lot of sense to me after trying to understand the filter I have and some of the quirks on that filter.

    I wish the spraybar just came in the box!!!

    I would agree on needing more flow if keeping high flow loving fish, though that can also be cheaply dealt with using an extra wavemaker or such.

    my enjoyment is more geared to the plant side of the tank and the 207 has plenty of flow for a 29 gallon to ensure good nutrient and CO2 dispersal as well as waste organics…


    If Fluval included the spray bar, you would still be paying for it through a higher purchase price….  As it is I paid for  ceramic media, a pickup and a nozzle I am not using…


    Fluval sells rubber connectors that fit over the ribbed hoses. I use this to attach to the glass lily pipe and use stainless steel hose clamps to further secure it instead of a simple friction fit.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 4/14/2024 at 1:26 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    As far as the x07 series....
    107 = 10g
    207 = 20g
    307 = 30g
    407 = 40g
    (definitely ignore what the box says because I can tell you it's dramatically under powered.)

    I have done extensive testing on a ton of filters including the ones that you're mentioning.  I would recommend something different for shrimp.  The intake strainer on the x07 series isn't great.  It's bulky, it's sharp, and there isn't a prefilter that works well with it.  Especially with neo shrimp.  It's perfectly fine for fish, but for shrimp, I don't recommend it.

    Well, certainly not my experience flow wise.   With a spraybar and inline diffuser I am keeping all the bubbles nicely dispersed and in suspension.  You can see the bubbles rising to the top and taken by the flow to the front of the glass and down and looking through the side of the tank you can see a circular gyre of bubbles…. And all the foliage in the tank is gently swaying…


    That is with a 207 on a 29 gallon tank and a 107 on a 20 high.  I dont perceive any need for greater flow…


    i dont use the included pick up though.  I use a glass lily pipe pickup with a surface skimmer instead.  And yes, I doit with fluval ribbed hoses…

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  15. But have hesitated due to the price…


    I just bought a Sportsman inverter based generator perfectly sized for  up to several fish tanks, keeping  fridge cold,  recharging electronics etc…

    It is only 800 watts running load and 1,000 watts start up load, so it isn’t going to run your whole house..


    but it weighs around 30 pounds, is much quieter than non inverter based units and is on sale now from a reputable big box store for shipping for $169.99. Normally $299.00.


    It was enough for me to pull the trigger to add another generator for my business

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  16. On my 20 gallon high, I think the 107 is plenty.


    As fas as leaking goes, my suspicion is that failure to clean and relube the O Ring would be the greatest chance of failure, followed by a failure of the Aquastop valve.

    To that end, I would have replacements of both on hand, and replace them according to the maintenance schedule in the manual.  

    o ring is recommended to be replaced every 6 months.  If someone doesn't replace it for over a year and it starts to leak..  whose fault is that?

  17. I think a 107 is fine under 29 gallons.  

    I clean the filter on the first Saturday of every month, and when I do I clean and relube the o rings.  And I have spare Orings and impeller on hand as well as a spare aquastop valve.  I intend to replace the O ring every 6 months as the manual recommends.  I have not had any leaks.

    I keep the foam for prefiltering and use quickclear polishing pads.  You could use filter floss instead of the quick clear.  I use nylon scrubbies in the other media trays instead of ceramic media..

  18. On 4/13/2024 at 12:43 PM, Vítor said:

    I wrote it wrong i have 40 cm cube so it will be about 64 liters i think in gallons its about 17.

    A 107 would be fine then.


    Switching from the Tidal to the Fluval meant only having to service it once a month as opposed to every few days with the Tidal…

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