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Everything posted by platytom

  1. In all tanks: Nitrites 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrates very low pH: 7 Temp: Betta tanks 80F; 1 1/2 gallon & White Cloud Tank at room temp. I feed the first once a day and watch them to make sure they finish the food. Weekly 50% water change for the 5 1/2 gal tanks, 90% for the 1/1/2 gal.
  2. As I've written, the snails get along well in their acclimation bowls, crawling around & eating for an hour in the 5 1/2 gal tanks' water/. It's when I put them into either 5 1/2 gal. tank that they stop moving. When I drop them, unacclimated, from the 5 1/2 gal. into the 1 1/2 gal., they begin to move immediately.
  3. So, I buy ramshorn snails for algae control in my two 5 1/2 tanks, both aerated one w/ plant filtration & 1 betta, the other with a hang-on filter & six White Clouds. I acclimate them and put them in. They almost immediately close up and eventually die. So, I set up a 1 1/2 gallon plastic tank for the survivors. Well-planted {all tanks have java fern and a smattering of other plants) with a tufa rock, no aeration. I put them in and immediately they begin moving and they continue to thrive. Water quality is identical in all three tanks. Any ideas what the problem is? Thanks.
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