pH 8
Nitrates 10-20
Hardness 100ppm
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
KH/Buffer 300ppm
Water Temperature: turned up from 76 to 78
75 gallon planted tank with 12 cardinal tetras, 9 Congo tetras, 6 Corydora, 1 baby bristle nose pleco, 3 otos, 1 hillstream loach, 2 nerite snails, and a mystery snail, 6 amano shrimp.
I noticed a few spots on my cardinal’s fins last week, started treating with Ich x as directed and doing daily 25% water changes, I am now on day 6 of treatment and they are starting to die (2 today), breathing very fast, hiding in back of the tank, white spots have spread to all cardinal tetras, and I see one spot on the tail of an oto (who otherwise looks ok). Some are still eating and some have stopped, colors faded.
Should I continue to treat with ick x? I want to help, but I am not sure what to do from here?
I did add 3 otos from LFS about 3 weeks ago, they said they had them for about a month with their plants and no issues and no new fish, I did add them in without quarantine, they certainly could have brought in something 😞