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Renee C.

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  1. My snail suddenly has a big bubble coming from it, established tank no recent changes, snail is about a year old, is there anything I can do to help? It is still alive.
  2. This set up is only 3 months old, so that makes sense. It is spreading quite quickly, so I think I’ll spot treat a small area with peroxide and see it that helps, maybe slightly bigger water changes, and cut back food a little, hopefully it clears. I’m glad to hear you haven’t seen it affect fish or shrimp, that’s a relief! Thank you for sharing!
  3. It does not retract, could it be Ciliate Zoothamnium arbuscula? If so I’m pretty clueless how to treat?
  4. Could anyone help me identify this in my shrimp tank? Is it a type of algae or a type of hydra? Thank you! crystal
  5. pH 8 Nitrates 10-20 Hardness 100ppm Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 300ppm Water Temperature 75 Platy fish went through med trio during quarantine in August, but I have been noticing white with clear segment stringy poop. Fins are in rough shape, no one picking on him, and he seems to be eating normally. Have been feeding a lot of extreme krill flake, and blood worms to this tank. No new fish in tank. I have attached pictures, please let me know what you think:
  6. I appreciate all the advice, despite trying Ich x, maracyn and kanaplex I lost all of my fish except a few Congo tetras who now appear to have symptoms of columnaris? Two appear to have saddles on their backs and despite trying to eat the food pops right back out 😟. They look terrible and I feel so sad about it. I am not sure what to do from here. The idea of tearing this planted tank apart and bleaching it, will literally take me right out of the hobby. Is there a time frame I can let it sit empty (with my amano shrimp and snails) that it then would be safe to add fish again? Any help or input is very appreciated.
  7. They do appear raised, I do have Fritz Maracyn on hand, would starting a course of this be an appropriate next step? thank you for your help!
  8. pH 8 Nitrates 10-20 Hardness 100ppm Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 300ppm Water Temperature: turned up from 76 to 78 75 gallon planted tank with 12 cardinal tetras, 9 Congo tetras, 6 Corydora, 1 baby bristle nose pleco, 3 otos, 1 hillstream loach, 2 nerite snails, and a mystery snail, 6 amano shrimp. I noticed a few spots on my cardinal’s fins last week, started treating with Ich x as directed and doing daily 25% water changes, I am now on day 6 of treatment and they are starting to die (2 today), breathing very fast, hiding in back of the tank, white spots have spread to all cardinal tetras, and I see one spot on the tail of an oto (who otherwise looks ok). Some are still eating and some have stopped, colors faded. Should I continue to treat with ick x? I want to help, but I am not sure what to do from here? I did add 3 otos from LFS about 3 weeks ago, they said they had them for about a month with their plants and no issues and no new fish, I did add them in without quarantine, they certainly could have brought in something 😞
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