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  1. Haha that's Captain. He's my favorite fish. Lots of personality. Yo-yo Loach.
  2. Hello, names Amanda. Ive been a Aquarium addict for several years now. We always had tanks growing up and I didn't think much of it until I was older and tried to do my own tank. It was a nightmare. I learned quickly that petstore employees don't often know as much as they say. I almost gave up. After the the first tank collapsed I was ready to give up and quit. My husband didn't let me. He bought me a bigger tank, said I wasn't a quitter, and start trying to learn more than the employees who gave me advice. So went down a YouTube rabbit hole and found Aquarium Co-op's youtube channel. I spent hours upon hours, days upon days, just pouring into research about Bacterias, species profiles, the how's and why's. Its become a full blown addiction 😂 my husband now has a strict "no fish talk" rule. Fast forward a few yrs and here I am, helping people day and night set tanks, understand the Nitrogen Cycle, delivering a stock pile of online resources, helping with ailments and species clashes, and all sorts of things. It's the best hobby in the world and in glad to be a part of it. Aquarium Co-op helped me get here.
  3. I absolutely love my Aquaclear110 and my Aquaclear70. Since using them I've decided I will never switch HOBs. They make it so easy or biofiltration mods. Space is nice in it. And it's not very loud. And it works as good as when I got them 3 yrs ago.
  4. I used fake plants to fill in while live ones grow. As the live grew, I'd remove the fake ones. Honestly, some of my favorite tanks I've done were artificial or half and half.
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